prof. dr. G.B. (George) Huitema

- NWO ESI-FAR: Technologically and Socially feasible transition Pathways for local energy system integration (TeSoPs). Lead RuG. TNO partner (2021 - 2025).
- H2020 MAKING CITY addressing and demonstrating advanced procedures and methodologies based on the Positive Energy District (PED) concept, Groningen is lighthouse city; lead Cartif. RuG and TNO amongst partners (2018 - 2024).
- H2020 HOLISDER (Integrating Real-Intelligence in Energy Management Systems enabling Holistic Demand Response Optimization in Buildings and Districts) lead Tecnalia. TNO partner (Finished).
- NWO Energy Intranet (NEAT). Lead CWI. TNO steering committee (Finished).
- NWO ESI project ERSAS (Incentives and algorithms for efficient, reliable, sustainable and socially acceptable energy system); Partners RuG, Alliander, Enexis, TNO (Finished).
- STW Perspectief Programma SES BE (Smart Energy Systems in the Built Environment); lead TU/e. TNO partner among 38 others (Finished).
- TKI Systeemintegration project FLEXIFORFUTURE, partners RuG, Hanzehogeschool, GasUnie, Westland, Rooftop (Finished).
- NWO Vitale Logistiek project ADAPNER (Adaptive Logistics in Circular Economy), Partners: RuG, Holthausen en GasTerra
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 12.19 p.m. |