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Spontaneous recovery and treatment effects in patients with homonymous visual field defects: A meta-analysis of existing literature in terms of the ICF framework

Car Driving Performance in Hemianopia: An On-Road Driving Study

Difficulties in Daily Life Reported by Patients With Homonymous Visual Field Defects

The Effects of Compensatory Scanning Training on Mobility in Patients with Homonymous Visual Field Defects: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Autorijden met hemianopsie: Mogelijkheden en kansen

ACE-DNV: Automatic classification of gaze events in dynamic natural viewing

Neurovisual rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis: Why a close integration of low-vision rehabilitation and neuropsychological rehabilitation may be effective for visual complaints

Reading Difficulties in Individuals with Homonymous Visual Field Defects: A Systematic Review of Reported Interventions

The complex relation between visual complaints and decline in visual, visuoperceptual and cognitive functions in people with multiple sclerosis

Understanding reading complaints in people with Parkinson’s disease

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Video: The Next Step

Hemianopsie of halfzijdige blindheid

Visual Complaints Common Among Patients With Multiple Sclerosis

Regular Eye Screening Vital for MS Patients, Study Finds

youtube: Mobiliteitstraining bij Hemianopsie (professional)

youtube: Mobiliteitstraining bij Hemianopsie (cliënt)

400 vragen aan de RuG (RTV Noord)

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