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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons F.M.D. (Frank) Vanclay, Prof


Benefit-sharing and enhancing outcomes for project-affected communities

Continuing to Put People First: Embedding community investment in the sustainability standards of international financial institutions

Enhancing the social outcomes from restrictions on arrivees during global public health emergencies: A Social Impact Assessment perspective

Handbook of Social Impact Assessment and Management

Improving the good in good organizations: the potential value of social impact assessment for social enterprises

Investigating institutional barriers and opportunities to an integrated approach for transport and spatial development: Mega urban transport development in a rapidly developing city, Seoul

Psychosocial impacts

Re-designing Social Impact Assessment to enhance community resilience for Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Action and Sustainable Development

Setting the scene for good social impact assessment and management

Social impacts of land acquisition, resettlement and restrictions on land use

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