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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. F. (Fredrike) Zwiers-Blokzijl

Research interests

Personalized and Appropriate Care, Patient-reported Outcomes after Critical Illness, Health-related Quality of Life, Prehabilitation, Nurse Sensitive Outcomes in relation to Quality of Care


A qualitative study of the experiences and perceptions of older patients and relatives prior to cardiac surgery

Emergency Department Triage, Transfer Times, and Hospital Mortality of Patients Admitted to the ICU: A Retrospective Replication and Continuation Study

Fluid balance versus weighing: A comparison in ICU patients: A single center observational study

Roles and competencies of nurses and physicians in shared decision-making in cardiac surgery: A scoping review

Unveiling the hidden burden: the impact of undiagnosed comorbidities on health-related quality of life in ICU survivors

Muscle strength trajectories and their association with postoperative health-related quality of life in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting surgery: a prospective cohort study

A new tool to assess Clinical Diversity In Meta‐analyses (CDIM) of interventions

Barriers That Obstruct Return to Work After Coronary Bypass Surgery: A Qualitative Study

Does postoperative cognitive decline after coronary bypass affect quality of life?

The impact of surgical aortic valve replacement on quality of life-a multicenter study: a multicenter study

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