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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. F.T. (Fenna) Wolthuis


More than mundane matters: An exploration of how schools organize professional learning teams

Experienced career perspectives of nursing students and their supervisors in learning departments: a qualitative study

'Iedereen aan het werk!' Betrokkenheid in de klas als collectief proces

Patients’ experiences of safety in a hospital learning department: A qualitative study

The Concept of Organizational Routines and Its Potential for Investigating Educational Initiatives in Practice: A Systematic Review of the Literature

The hullabaloo of schooling: The influence of school factors on the (dis)continuation of lesson study

Professional development in practice: exploring how lesson study unfolds in schools through the lens of organizational routines

A curriculum in transition: TL/L1 use in Dutch EFL literature lessons

Between lethal and local adaptation: Lesson study as an organizational routine

Preparing the Dutch Educational System for the 21st Century