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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. F. (Floor) Velthuis

Research interests

I am fascinated with change in organizations; how people respond, the dynamics that occur and the complexities of organizing change for those in charge, the change leaders. Although I am interested in all sorts of organizational change processes, my PhD thesis particularly focuses on the complexities of organizing change in medical school’s undergraduate curricula.

Topics: undergraduate curriculum change, medical education, complexity, challenges and strategies of change leaders, situational awareness, governance, the role of local institutional contexts in international curriculum development projects.


An evidence-informed pedagogical approach to support professional identity formation in medical students: AMEE Guide No. 171

Implementing the pharmacy technician role in existing pharmacy settings: Stakeholders views of barriers and facilitators

Educators' experiences with governance in curriculum change processes; a qualitative study using rich pictures

"My right-hand man" versus "We barely make use of them": change leaders talking about educational scientists in curriculum change processes-a Membership Categorization Analysis

Unraveling the complexities of enacting change in undergraduate medical curricula

Navigating the Complexities of Undergraduate Medical Curriculum Change: Change Leaders' Perspectives

Navigeren in de complexiteit van curriculum herziening; het perspectief van de leider.

How to use the work of others

The complexity of medical curriculum renewal in practice; a change leader perspective.

Leadership in curriculum change: Balancing faculty’s resources