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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons F. (Frank) Tsiwah, PhD


Development of auditory discrimination of vowels from middle childhood to adulthood

Generating Completions for Fragmented Broca's Aphasic Sentences Using Large Language Models

Perception of grammatical tone in Akan patients with left and right hemisphere brain damage

Semantic-based NLP techniques discriminate schizophrenia and Wernicke’s aphasia based on spontaneous speech

Online Processing of Temporal Agreement in a Grammatical Tone Language: An ERP Study

Processing of time reference in agrammatic speakers of Akan: A language with grammatical tone

Time, tone and the brain: Behavioral and neurophysiological studies on time reference and grammatical tone in Akan

Resumption in the production of focused constructions in Akan speakers with agrammatism

Characterization of agrammatism in Akan

Processing of time reference in agrammatic speakers of Akan: a language with grammatical tone