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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons F.R. (Filipe) Rodrigues Drenker Dos Reis, Dr


After states, before humanity? The meta-politics of legality and the International Criminal Court in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine

Creating colonisable land: Cartography, ‘blank spaces’, and imaginaries of empire in nineteenth-century Germany


Moving ‘red lines’: The Russian–Ukrainian war and the pragmatic (mis-)use of international law

Contingencies in International Legal Histories: Origins and Observers

Empires of Science, Science of Empires: Mapping, Centres of Calculation and the Making of Imperial Spaces in Nineteenth Century Germany

Global Histories: Connections and Circulations in Historical International Relations

Introduction: The Politics of Translation in International Relations

Mapping and the Making of Imperial European Connectivity

Mapping, Connectivity and the Making of European Empires