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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons F. (Frank) Pierie


Biogas en lokale energie-initiatieven, meer mogelijkheden voor bijdragen aan de energietransitie?

Local balancing of the electricity grid in a renewable municipality; analyzing the effectiveness and cost of decentralized load balancing looking at multiple combinations of technologies

Improving the Sustainability of Farming Practices through the Use of a Symbiotic Approach for Anaerobic Digestion and Digestate Processing

Renew, reduce or become more efficient? The climate contribution of biomass co-combustion in a coal-fired power plant

A new approach for measuring the environmental sustainability of renewable energy production systems: Focused on the modelling of green gas production pathways

Lessons from spatial and environmental assessment of energy potentials for Anaerobic Digestion production systems applied to the Netherlands

The Development, Validation and Initial Results of an Integrated Model for Determining the Environmental Sustainability of Biogas Production Pathways

Environmental and energy system analysis of bio-methane production pathways: A comparison between feedstocks and process optimizations

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