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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons F.J. (Florian) Lippert, Dr

F.J. (Florian) Lippert, Dr

Universitair hoofddocent (met ius promovendi) Europese cultuur en literatuur, Directeur Onderzoekscentrum voor de Studie van Democratische Culturen en Politiek (DemCP)


Mind the Gap! Towards a Transdisciplinary Aesthetics of Negativity

Shocks to the System. Lessons from Geert Wilders’ Victory in the Dutch Elections

Unheimliches Europa. Paradoxien der Einheit und der Identität in den Filmen Nikolaus Geyrhalters

Caution, 'concrete utopias' and common threats. Dutch perspectives on German unity

Kulturelle Selbstreflexion in der europäischen "Flüchtlingskrise" am Beispiel zeitgenössischer Dokumentarfilme

Uncanny Europe: Derridean Hauntologies of History, Unity and Identity in Films by Nikolaus Geyrhalter

Read Thyself: Cultural Self-reflection and the Relevance of Literary “Self”-labels

Introduction: European Crises

Public self-reflection in the context of the European migrant crisis: Towards a new transdisciplinary model of discourse analysis in politics, media and the arts


Public speech on border policies and border cultures

Public speech on border policies and border cultures

»Keine Sicherheit durch Kontrollen«

AI in education: Unveiling opportunities, overcoming challenges, and shaping the future

AI in het onderwijs: Kansen grijpen, uitdagingen aangaan en de toekomst vormgeven

AI in education: Unveiling opportunities, overcoming challenges, and shaping the future

Lecture series "Cultures of the Crisis. Corona and beyond"

Schreiben für die Ewigkeit. Der literarische Roboter