F.J.D. (Frigg) Speelman

I am studying fitness benefits of long-term partnerships in birds.
In socially monogamous species, pair-bonds may persist over multiple breeding seasons, which can have important fitness consequences. Therefore, partnerships are of fundamental evolutionary importance, yet studies predominantly focus on the benefits of extra-pair copulations, making the framework of life-history evolution with regard to partnerships incomplete.
I am exploring why some partnerships are maintained whereas others are not, as well as the qualities that make a 'good partnership' using the socially monogamous Seychelles warbler (Seychelles), crested pigeon (Australia), and chirruping wedgebill (Australia) as model systems.
If you have any questions or like to contact me, don't hesitate to send me an email.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 24 februari 2023 14:50 |