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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons F.J. (Felix) Budelmann, Prof


Ancient Greek and Latin literature, especially Greek poetic and dramatic texts.
Cognitive humanities.


Metalepsis and readerly investment in fictional characters: reflections on apostrophic reading

Greek lyric: a selection

Textual events: performance and the lyric in early Greece

Cognition, Endorphins, and the Literary Response to Tragedy

Emotional arousal when watching drama increases pain threshold and social bonding

Does believing something to be fiction allow a form of moral licencing or a ‘fictive pass’ in understanding others’ actions?


Minds on stage: Greek tragedy and cognition

Belief, Make-Believe, and the Religious Imagination: The Case of the Deus Ex Machina in Greek Tragedy

Differential effects of film genre on viewers’ absorption, identification, and enjoyment