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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons F. (Francesca) Ippolito


Nuovi dati sulla diffusione dei dolii protostorici d'impasto nell'hinterland della Sibaritide

The Deep Past of Magna Graecia's Pottery Traditions: Adoption and Adaption at Timpone della Motta and in the Sibaritide (Northern Calabria, Italy) between the Middle Bronze Age and the Archaic Period

The potential of impasto pottery studies for understanding regional settlement dynamics, cultural transmission and connectivity in Bronze Age landscapes in Italy

Arbëreshë migration in the Sibaritide (Calabria, South Italy): Landscape archaeology, past mobility and present-day community identity

Gli Enotri fra epilogo dell’età del Bronzo e primordi dell’età del Ferro nella Sibaritide

Un’abitazione rurale a Damale-Portieri

A multidisciplinary study of an exceptional prehistoric waste dump in the mountainous inland of Calabria (Italy): Implications for reconstructions of prehistoric land use and vegetation in Southern Italy

Il passaggio tra età del Bronzo e del Ferro nella Sibaritide interna: Dati primari da Monte San Nicola (Civita, CS)

Tracing the Final Bronze Age–Early Iron Age transition: Groningen Institute of Archaeology settlement excavations in the Sibaritide, 2018-2019

The Bronze and Iron Age habitation on Timpone della Motta in the light of recent research

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