F. (Filippo) Fraternali, Prof

Personal details
Name: Filippo Fraternali
Address: Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, P.O. Box 800, 9700AV Groningen, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-(0)50-3634055
Nationality: Italian
1998 - 2002: PhD in Astronomy “Hot and cold gas in the disk and halo of the spiral galaxy NGC 2403”, University of Bologna (I) Supervisors: R. Fanti, R. Sancisi, T. Oosterloo.
1992 - 1998: Degree in Astronomy cum laude “Study of Radio Galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope” (in Italian), University of Bologna (I)
September 2019 – present: Full Professor, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
November 2017 - August 2019: Associate Professor, Kapteyn Institute, University of Groningen (NL)
November 2006 - October 2017: Assistant Professor, Astronomy Department, University of Bologna (I)
March 2004 - March 2006: Marie-Curie Post-doc, Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford (UK)
February 2003 - March 2004: Post-doc, ASTRON, Dwingeloo (NL)
February 2002 - January 2003: Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, Groningen (NL)
October 1998 - February 2002: PhD research grant, Astronomy Department, University of Bologna (I)
Fellowships, grants and awards
2021: George Darwin Lecturship Award of the Royal Astronomical Society.
2020: Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Prize of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, “for past accomplishments in research and teaching”, € 45K.
2020: Best PhD supervisor prize of the Faculty of Science and Engineering of the University of Groningen.
2019: Astronomy teacher of the year, education prize, University of Groningen.
2019: NWO Klein-1 grant, PI, € 300K.
2018: NOVA Postdoc Grant, PI, € 220K.
2017: NOVA PhD Grant co-funded by ASTRON, PI, € 220K.
2008-2016: 6 PhD grants from the Univ Bologna, assigned by departmental competitions between the students (typically 2-3 positions a year), total of € ~300K.
2012: PRIN, Italian Ministry of University & Research, co-I, € 800 K, 3-year research funding
2008: PRIN, Italian Ministry of University & Research, co-I, € 100K, 2-year research funding.
2004: Marie-Curie Post-doctoral Fellowship, FP6, PI, € ~100K, 2-year personal fellowship
2002: Ubbo Emmius scholarship, University of Groningen
Supervision of PhD students
• Fernanda Roman de Oliveira, “Accurate gas dynamics of distant galaxies”, University of Groningen
• Pavel Mancera Pina, “Apertif with Barolo: gas kynematics of thousand of galaxies”, University of Groningen
• Andrea Afruni, “Gas flows from and to galaxies: understanding the circumgalactic medium”, University of Groningen
• Cecilia Bacchini, “Gas accretion and galactic fountains in disc galaxies”, University of Bologna
• Giuliano Iorio, “Off piste beyond the disc of the Milky Way: structure of the stellar halo and dynamics of nearby dwarf galaxies”, University of Bologna, co-advisor.
• Lucia Armillotta, “The circumgalactic medium of star forming galaxies”, University of Bologna, Now post-doc at Mount Stromlo Observatory, Canberra, AU.
• Gabriele Pezzulli, “Accretion and evolution of galaxy discs”, University of Bologna, defended in December 2015. Now post-doc at ETH-Zuich, CH.
• Enrico di Teodoro, “Dynamics of galaxies through the modelling of emission-line datacubes”, University of Bologna, defended in December 2015. Now post-doc at Mount Stromlo Observatory, Canberra, AU.
• Federico Lelli, “Starbursts and gas dynamics in low mass galaxies”, University of Groningen, defended in December 2013 cum laude (conferred on the top 5% of the students). Now ESO-fellow, Garching, Germany.
• Antonino Marasco, “The gaseous halo of the Milky Way”, University of Bologna, defended in February 2013. Now Post-doc at ASTRON, NL. This thesis won the Gratton Prize for the best Italian thesis of the years 2013-2014.
• Federico Marinacci, “Dynamics of the halo gas in disc galaxies”, University of Bologna, co-advisor, defended April 2011. Now Post-doc at MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Supervision of Master students
Over 20 Master's students between 2003 and 2017
Invited Talks and Reviews at international conferences
• The other side of feedback at “Feedback and its Role in Galaxy Formation”, Spetses, 25-29 June 2019, Greece.
• How the CGM accretes onto galaxies at “What matter(s) between galaxies: Unraveling the knots in the Cosmic Web”, Abbazia di Spineto, 3-7 June 2019, Italy.
• Accretion physics and scaling laws of AM in galaxies at “Galactic Angular Momentum”, XXX IAU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 20-22 August 2018.
• Understanding the fountain-corona interaction at “The role of feedback in galaxy formation: from small-scale winds to large-scale outflows”, Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam, Germany, 3-7 September 2018 (plenary talk).
• Theoretical and observational aspects of gas circulation in galaxies at “The Role of Gas in Galaxy Dynamics”, Valletta, Malta, 2-6 October 2017 (review).
• In & Out. What rules the Baryon Cycle? - MIAPP Programme, Munich, Germany, 3-14 July 2017.
• Physical processes that shape the CGM at “What Matter(s) Around Galaxies”, Durham, UK, 19-23 June 2017.
• Dark Matter in Late-Type galaxies at “Bright and dark Universe”, Napoli, Italy, 29 Jan - 2 Feb 2017.
• Gas inflow at different scales at “The galaxy life-cycle”, Venezia, Italy, October 2016.
• Gas accretion and its impact on the evolution of the Milky Way at “The Milky Way and its environment: gaining insights into the drivers of galaxy formation and evolution”, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, France, September 2016.
• Accretion from feedback at “Feedback and reaccretion in galaxy formation”, Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France, November 2015.
• Gas accretion by galaxies at “Life-cycle of gas in galaxies: A Local Perspective”, ASTRON, Dwingeloo, NL, September 2015.
• Cosmic web flow into galaxies “IGM@50: Is the InterGalactic Medium Driving Star Formation?”, Abbazia di Spineto, Italy, 8-12 June 2015.
• Fountain drivern accretion at The formation and evolution of exponential disks in galaxies, Flagstaff (Arizona, US), October 2014
• Gas accretion and extraplanar gas in galaxies at The Role of Hydrogen in the Evolution of Galaxies, Kuching (Malaysia), September 2014
• How does the Milky Way accrete gas? at Good Sense and Dominant Ideology in Galaxy and Planet Formation and Evolution, Ascona (CH), July 2014
• Supernovae feedback and gas accretion in galaxies at the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, “Star formation in galaxies: from small to large scales”, Geneva (CH), June-July 2014
• The Disk-Halo Connection at "HI studies with SKA Pathfinders: simulations and visualisation”, Dwingeloo (NL), March 2014 (review)
• The angular momentum of the accreting gas at “Multi-spin galaxies”, Napoli (I), Sept-Oct 2013 (review)
• The origin of the gas component at “Dynamics of disk galaxies”, Seul (South Korea), October 2013
• Gaseous galactic halos in the context of galaxy evolution at the Astronomische Gasellschaft, Tuebingen (D), September 2013
• Gas dynamics of dwarf galaxies at From Dwarfs to Giants, Sesto (I), 29 Jul-2 Aug 2013
• How can star formation be sustained at “Setting the scene for Gaia and LAMOST - the current and next generations of surveys and models”, IAU Symposium 298, Lijiang (China), May 2013 (review)
• Supernova driven gas accretion at “Magnetic fields on galaxies”, workshop, Bonn (D), Mar 2013
• The fate of the gas: The connection between star formation and gas accretion at the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science, Roma (I), July 2012
• Disk-halo connection and gas accretion at “Global Properties of HI in Galaxies: a Workshop in honor of the 35th anniversary of the discovery of the Tully-Fisher relationship”, Greenbank (WV), April 2012
• Supernova-driven gas accretion in disc galaxies at “Formation and evolution of galaxies: from high redshift to the present”, Groningen (NL), November 2011
• Impact of the Galactic fountain on the HI datacube at “The Interstellar medium in three dimensions with Gaia”, Leiden (NL), July 2011
• Missing baryons in the Local Group (review) at “Problematik”, Oxford (UK), August 2010
• Galaxy Formation and Gas Circulation (review) at “Hunting for the dark: the hidden side of galaxy formation”, Malta, October 2009 (review)
• Gas accretion onto galaxies: models vs past and future observations at “Panoramic Radio Astronomy”, Groningen (NL), June 2009
• Modelling the gas kinematics at “The Role of Disk-halo Interaction in Galaxy Evolution: Outflow vs Inflow?”, Espinho (PT), August 2008
• Extra-planar gas at low and high redshifts at “Gas and stars in galaxies: a multi-wavelength 3D perspective”, Garching (D), June 2008
• Halo gas accretion onto disk galaxies at “The Galaxy Disk in a Cosmological Context”, IAU Symposium 254, Copenhagen (DK), June 2008
• Extra-planar gas in spiral galaxies at “Gas accretion and Star Formation in Galaxies”, Garching (D), September 2007
Organization of conferences and schools
SOC of the conference “Galactic and extragalactic high velocity clouds (HVCs)”, Spring 2020, Georgia, USA
SOC member, Galaxy Assembly: The Emergence of Bars and Bulges, IAU Symposium, proposal submitted the IAU.
SOC (chair), Crossing the Rubicon: the fate of gas flows in galaxies, 2016, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, Italy.
SOC member, The Periphery of Disks, October 2014, Sydney (AU)
School for graduate students, Baryons in the Universe, Bologna (I), October 2011
SOC member, Dark matter in galaxies and clusters of galaxies (workshop), June 2007, Bologna (I)
SOC/LOC member, A man for all galaxies, one day meeting for the retirement of Prof. R. Sancisi, June 2007, Bologna (I)
LOC member, Extra-planar Gas, 7-11 June 2004, Dwingeloo (NL)
Large collaborations and Memberships
Member of the International Astronomical Union
Member of the European Astronomical Society
HALOGAS: search for gas in the halos of nearby galaxies with WSRT (www.astron.nl/halogas/)
Square Kilometre Array (SKA) science group: Galaxy Evolution, Cosmology And Dark Energy (www.skatelescope.org/)
Apertif medium-deep HI survey (Apertif is the focal-plane array at the WSRT, SKA-pathfinder)
EUCLID: (www.euclid-ec.org/)
Popular lectures and outreach
2019: Author of the outreach book La Nostra Galassia, edited by RCS MediaGroup – Corriere della Sera, one of the major Italian newspapers
2010-2013: A tourist guide to the Milky Way (in Italian), Specola conferences and Piazza G. Verdi, Bologna (I)
2009: Realization of the documentary: “Tutto è fatto di atomi” (Everything is made of atoms), 10’. Shown daily at the one-month exhibition of the Year of Astronomy.
2009: Realization of the biographical short film: “Curious Giorgio” 8’, script writer, director and editor. Shown for the retirement celebration of Prof. Giorgio Palumbo, head of the Astronomy Department of the Univ. of Bologna.
2008-2009: I organized a film festival on “Cinema and Astronomy” in collaboration with the Cineteca di Bologna.
I have been interviewed by magazines, TV and radio, including physicsworld.com, Sky and Telescope and New Scientist.
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 12.58 p.m. |