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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. F.E. (Fleur) van der Feen


Neurovisual rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis: Why a close integration of low-vision rehabilitation and neuropsychological rehabilitation may be effective for visual complaints

The complex relation between visual complaints and decline in visual, visuoperceptual and cognitive functions in people with multiple sclerosis

Prevalence and nature of self-reported visual complaints in people with Parkinson's disease-Outcome of the Screening Visual Complaints questionnaire

Reading Difficulties in Parkinson's Disease: A Stepped Care Model for Neurovisual Rehabilitation

Visual complaints in people with multiple sclerosis: looking beyond the optic system

A confirmatory factor analysis for the Dutch Screening Visual Complaints questionnaire in people with multiple sclerosis.

Confirmatory factor analysis of the Dutch Screening Visual Complaints questionnaire in people with multiple sclerosis

Correction: The Screening Visual Complaints questionnaire (SVCq) in people with Parkinson's disease-Confirmatory factor analysis and advice for its use in clinical practice (PLoS ONE 17: 9 (e0272559) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0272559)

Het gebruik van de Screening Visuele Klachten-vragenlijst voor het identificeren van visuele klachten bij mensen met de ziekte van Parkinson of multiple sclerose

Prevalence and nature of self-reported visual complaints in people with Parkinson’s disease

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Visuele klachten bij Parkinson en MS

Visual Complaints Common Among Patients With Multiple Sclerosis

Regular Eye Screening Vital for MS Patients, Study Finds

Diagnostics and rehabiliations of visual problems in patient with multiple sclerosis

Vision problems are difficult to measure in patients with MS

Visual complaints and disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis

Are left-handers more artistic than right-handers?

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