dr. F. (Fokie) Cnossen

Scroll down for an overview of
research projects I supervised (Final Master Research Project, First-year Master Research Project, Bachelor Research Project, other).
For results from the PhD student projects I supervise, see Research.
Interested in doing a research project on Cognitive Engineering or Human-Centred AI?
Read on!
five steps
to a Cognitive Engineering or HCAI project
A good first step is to read my Research page to get an idea of my research interests.
I'd love to work with you on projects on patient safety, medical technology, or learning and education! But if you're interested in doing a Cognitve Engineering project in other domains, you are also welcome. -
Then, to get an idea of the kind of projects you can get involved in, take a look at Current Projects and Previous Projects below.
It will show you that Cognitive Engineering has many different application domains, so there's always something that should interest you. -
Next, look at the Available Projects listed below.
These are projects where you can start shortly. Note that there may not be projects available. -
Read the Three Important Notes below!
Contact me by e-mail to make an appointment. You can do this when you want to do an Available project, but also when you haven't chosen a particular project yet, or if you have ideas yourself about a master project you would like to do.
Three Important Notes on Cognitive Engineering or HCAI projects:
There are usually no projects ready to start immediately (even Available project often take start-up time), so enquire in due time!
Most projects (also see Research/Onderzoek) are performed on real-life tasks, so they need a real-life environment with real-life problems to be solved. Be aware that it may take considerable time (over 3 months!) to initialise such projects. It is essential to plan ahead.
For these reasons, for a project to be succesful, it is also extremely helpful if you are a resourceful, effective, and independent person! It also helps if you have programming skills.
Once you've decided to do a Cognitive Engineering or HCAI project, you will become member of the CogEng research group. You will be expected to be present in the two-weekly meetings of this group.
Bachelor projects:
See information provided during the course
Other projects:
Please contact me to discuss your interests.
(note that some master theses may be confidential and not publically accessable)
Guillermo Llopis (2024)
Development of an interface to improve HRV analysis: combining automatic and manual processing.
In collaboration with L.K. Wietzorrek - University Medical Centre of Groningen
Jelle Deelstra (2024)
Modelling Thermal Signalling in the Water Circuit during Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation.
In collaboration with Dr M.W.N. Niesten - Critical Care, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Han Havinga (2023)
Clinical reasoning in ambulance nurses: The influence of experience on confirmation bias.
In collaboration with B. Dercksen - UMCG Ambulance Services, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Karina Cozma (2022)
Using a NAO robot during speech audiometry for hearing-impaired children: developing a video protocol to detect non-verbal cues during child-robot interactions.
In collaboration with G. Araiza-Illan, PhD & Prof. Dr. ir. D. Baskent - Department of Otorhinolaryngology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Floor Kuipers (2022)
Development of an Interactive Video Practice Application for Rare Procedures in Emergency Medical Services.
In collaboration with B. Dercksen - UMCG Ambulance Services, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Thijmen Kupers (2022)
Predicting NEC in Preterm Infants Using Machine Learning Model and Proper Design.
In collaboration with Dr E.M.W. Kooi - Neonatology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Liv Ziegfeld (2022)
Designing a User Interface for Semi-Automatic Tumor Segmentation: Using Certainty Visualization to Promote Explainability.
In collaboration with Dr P.M.A. van Ooijen – Radiotherapy, University Medical Centre of Groningen
(published in Computers in biology and medicine, 2024)
Leanne de Vree (2022)
Using Machine and Deep Learning Methods for the Prediction of Clinical Deterioration in the Emergency Department based on ECG Waveforms and Vital Signs.
In collaboration with Dr Sietse van Netten (AI) and Dr Hjalmar Bouma & Raymond van Wijk - Acutelines, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Arseniy Nikonov (2022)
Exploring the latent space of the StyleGAN model for the controlled generation of synthetic colonoscopy image.
In collaboration with Dr P.M.A. van Ooijen – Radiotherapy, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Mihai Popescu (2021)
Generating Synthetic Training Data using Deep Generative Adversarial Networks in Medical Endoscopy Images.
In collaboration with Dr P.M.A. van Ooijen – Radiotherapy, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Prajakta Shouche (2021)
Real-Time Emotion Valence Detection using Physiological Signals.
In collaboration with Dr Stefan de Vries - Mentech Innovation, Eindhoven
Boris Marinov (2021)
Machine Learning Classification of the Coronary Artery Disease and Clustering of Free-Form Medical Complaints.
In collaboration with Dr P.M.A. van Ooijen – Radiotherapy, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Niklas Martin (2021)
The Liver Perfusion Interface: A decision support tool for organ perfusion.
In collaboration with Dr M.W.N. Niesten - Critical Care, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Eline Meijer (2021)
Machine learning in detection of endocrine disorders using urine steroid analysis.
In collaboration with Dr P.M.A. van Ooijen – Radiotherapy, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Navya Nishith Sharan (2021)
Designing Virtual Reality Technologies for Students with ASD: Facilitating Social Interaction in Remote Education.
In collaboration with Dr. Shiri Azenkot - Cornell University, USA
Sönke Steffen (2021)
Tailoring Motivational Features to the Preference of Users in a Habit App with Self-Chosen Activities and Goals.
Rosa Verhoeven (2021)
Designing for Appropriate Trust in AI: Making Machine Learning Usable for Radiologists.
In collaboration with Dr P.M.A. van Ooijen – Radiotherapy, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Pei-Yu Chen (2020)
Multimodal Speech Emotion Recognition - Using the Content and the Style of the Speech.
In collaboration with Denise Klep - Mentech Innovation, Eindhoven
Arnout van Heereveld (2020)
Motivating students to increase their metacognitive awareness: An exploratory app development study.
In collaboration with E. Braad, MSc - User-Centered Design, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
Liam Wietzorrek (2020)
Sentiment & Emotion Recognition in Videos: A Comparison of Neural Network Models.
In collaboration with Sophie Bergersen & Koen Kwakkenbos - Coperio, Trondheim, Norway
Joost Doornkamp (2020)
Towards personalised responses in automated psychotherapy using Topic Models.
In collaboration with Sophie Bergersen & Koen Kwakkenbos - Coperio, Trondheim, Norway
Kaustav Datta (2020)
Intelligent Systems for Mental Healthcare.
In collaboration with Sophie Bergersen & Koen Kwakkenbos - Coperio, Trondheim, Norway
Lisa Deckers (2019)
Development of an Integrated Interface for ex vivo Organ Perfusion.
In collaboration with Dr M.W.N. Niesten - Critical Care, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Kim van Prooijen (2019)
Guiding Research Question Formulation in a Web-Based Lab
In collaboration with E. Braad, MSc - User-Centered Design, Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, & Naturalis, Leiden
Tomasz Maciag (2019)
Machine Learning Solutions for Patient Monitoring during Anesthesia
In collaboration with K. van Amsterdam, MSc, & Dr B. Ballast – Anesthesiology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
(published in Health Informatics Journal, 2022)
Claudia Frank (2019)
An Analysis of Skill Sets within Resumes through Machine Learning to support Recruitment
In collaboration with Dr D Belitz - IBM, Groningen
Harmke Alkemade (2019)
Supporting decision makers in the development of a smart office by providing insights in sensor data
In collaboration with Dr S Hess - Microsoft Netherlands, Amsterdam
Savannah van Nugteren (2019)
Mirror mirror on the wall: Matching users’ speaking speed and emotions to an audio-only question answering system in the cultural heritage domain
In collaboration with Dr Z. Szlávik - IBM Benelux Center for Advanced Studies, Amsterdam
Sarah Rüegger (2018)
Touchless interaction with 3D images in the operating room
In collaboration with Dr P.M.A. van Ooijen – Radiology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Henk Borghols (2018)
NeoCAM: Development and Evaluation of a Neonatal Cerebral Autoregulation Monitor
In collaboration with Dr E.M.W. Kooi - Neonatology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Patrick van Vreeswijk (2018) [IEM project]
Developing a feasible design for the systematization of parental drug data
In collaboration with Dr M.W.N. Niesten & F. Doesburg, MSc - Critical Care, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Steven Bosch (2017)
Medical Incident Report Classification using Context-based Word Embeddings
In collaboration with Dr M. Wiering (AI) & S. Meijer (University Medical Centre of Groningen)
Annelies Brands (2017)
Designing an interface for presenting social-media information to police detectives
In collaboration with Dr A. de Vries (TNO Groningen) and the Groningen Police
Johanna Peters (2017)
Epilate right with beams of light? Investigation of suitable feedback systems for the epilator that lead to an improved epilation process and result for the end user
In collaboration with L. de Koning - Female Beauty, Philips, Drachten
Tamara Pepping (2017)
Learnability of complex software: A comparison of digital instruction methods
In collaboration with T. van de Kamp (CTIO, Avanade)
Evert van der Weit (2017)
The contribution of Human Machine Interfaces on the Situation Awareness of operators
In collaboration with J. Siegersma & R. van Tijum - Cold Framing, Philips, Drachten
Stephanie Tulp (2016)
Designing a scheduling software application and graphical user interface for car dealerships
In collaboration with F. Noorda - IQ|Motive, Groningen
Lourens Elzinga (2016)
The Lactate App: Designing a user interface to enhance interpretation of elevated lactate levels in emergency and critical care
In collaboration with Dr M.W.N. Niesten & F. Doesburg, MSc - Critical Care, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Peter Jan Haga (2016)
Development of a bedside application that assists ICU nurses in arranging IV tubing
In collaboration with Dr M.W.N. Niesten & F. Doesburg, MSc - Critical Care, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Katja Paul (2016)
Tactile Working-Memory Performance of the Blind
In collaboration with Tina Mioch – TNO Soesterberg
Koen Brinks (2015)
Alarm Hazards on the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
In collaboration with Dr M.C.J. Kneyber & G. Wildeboer – Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, University Medical Centre Groningen & J. Grit - Medical Technology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Simone Dekker (2015)
Tracking Consumers’ Attitudes - Assessing Eye Tracking as a Consumer Product Evaluation Tool
In collaboration with A. Vonk - Floor Care, Philips, Drachten
Anita Drenthen (2015)
Effective Learning with an Application for Summary Maps and Flashcards
In collaboration with A. Meindersma, Alledaags, Groningen & Dr H.R. van Rijn – Psychology, University of Groningen
Niki Sweers (2015)
Interface design for a robot assisting the elderly with medication intake
In collaboration with A. Shantia, MSc - Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen
Joost Timmerman (2014)
Text classification in dictated radiology reports using a machine learning algorithm
In collaboration with Dr P.M.A. van Ooijen & W. Jorritsma, MSc – Radiology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Stephan Mooibroek (2014)
The testing effect applied to procedural skills using an echocardiogram simulator
In collaboration with Dr R.A. Tio - Cardiology and the Center for Innovation and Research Medical Education, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Frank Doesburg (2013)
Developing a System for Integrated Automated Control of Multiple Infusion Pumps: The Multiplex Infusion System
In collaboration with Dr M.W.N. Niesten - Critical Care & with the Dept of Medical Technology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Nino van Hooff (2013)
Performance assessment and feedback of fitness exercises using smartphone sensors
In collaboration with Dr M. Wiering - Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen
Lennart Stapelkamp (2013)
Mouse Movements Reveal Viewing Behavior during Web-based Task Performance
In collaboration with Prof Dr A. Johnson - Experimental Psychology, University of Groningen
Sebastiaan Stuij (2013)
Usability Evaluation of the Kinect in Aiding Surgeon Computer Interaction
In collaboration with Dr P.M.A. van Ooijen – Radiology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Wiard Jorritsma (2012)
Empirical and Model-based Usability Evaluations of Multiple Radiology PACS Workstation Interfaces
In collaboration with Dr P.M.A. van Ooijen – Radiology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Bob Schadenberg (2012)
Modelling the user’s skill and performance with the use of a Bayesian rating system
In collaboration with Prof Dr M. Neerincx – TNO Soesterberg
(Published in Cognitive Systems Research in 2017)
Romke van der Meulen (2012)
Prop-free 3D interaction with virtual environments in the CAVE using the Microsoft Kinect™ camera
In collaboration with Centre of Information Technology, University of Groningen
Bart Blankwater (2012)
Aging and Human-Computer Interaction Design, Towards a Usable Email System for Older People with Low Vision
In collaboration with Visio, Haren, Centre of expertise for the blind and partial sighted
Bob van den Brink (2012)
The Partially Sighted Older Computer User: Assessing the Ease of Use of Two Input Devices
In collaboration with Visio, Haren, Centre of expertise for the blind and partial sighted
Paul Moes (2012)
Using a Polygonal Display in a Mobile Anesthesia Monitor
In collaboration with Dr B. Ballast – Anesthesiology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Henrieke Quarre (2012)
Persuasieve communicatie in e-mental health; de invloed van e-mail- en sms-berichten op de therapietrouw
In collaboration with dr. J. Kramer & Dr Martin Abello – I.COM – Innovation Centre of Mental Health & Technology at Trimbos-institute
Michiel Bergmans (2012)
Preventing Medication Errors on a Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
In collaboration with Dr M. de Hooge – Pharmacy & Drs J. Goorhuis & J. Versteeg – Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, University Medical Centre Groningen
Tom Doesburg (2011)
Mobile Monitoring in Anaesthesia using Smartphones
In collaboration with Dr B. Ballast – Anesthesiology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Jonker, B.J. (2011)
Shared Mental Modal Approach for Collaboration
Project for the programme Science, Business and Policy for the master HMC under supervision of Dr B.J. Broekhuijsen at TNO Information and Communication Technology, Groningen
Kai van Amsterdam (2010)
Integration of Visual Metaphors in an Anesthesia Interface
In collaboration with Dr B. Ballast – Anesthesiology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
(published in British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2013)
Max Jensch (2010)
Assessing the effect of different input modalities on error recovery
In collaboration with Dr J. Jolij – Experimental Psychology, University of Groningen
Kim Does (2009)
Preventing Medical Errors: Analysis and Implementation of a Medication Decision Support System
In collaboration with Dr P.V. Nannan Panday – Pharmacy, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Maarten van Veen (2009)
Serious gaming with a multi-touch screen to increase coorperation in PDD-NOS children
In collaboration with Dr A de Vries – User Centred Design, TNO Groningen
(published as a paper at EDULEARN09 the International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, 2009)
Tessa Verhoef (2009)
Multimodal affective human-machine interaction
In collaboration with Prof Dr Lisetti – School of Computing and Information Sciences, Florida International University (USA) & Drs T van 't Zant – Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen
(published in Human-Computer Interaction, Part III, HCII 2009)
Stephanie Kemna (2008)
Development of the iPAM User Interface: Including Feedback to Aid Motivation
In collaboration with Prof. Martin Levesley – School of Mechanical Engineering and Prof. Bipin Bhakta - Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and the Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Leeds (UK)
(published as a refereed paper at IEEE 11th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Kyoto, 2009)
Stijn Colen (2008)
ArguGuide Evolved: An Empirical Study of Graphical Representation of Logic in Legal Argumentation
In collaboration with Dr H.B. Verheij – Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen
(published as a refereed paper at Twelfth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, Barcelona, 2009)
Connor Stroomberg (2008)
The Effects of a Personal Lighting Device on Performance and Feelings of Well-being
In collaboration with Prof Dr A. Johnson – Experimental Psychology, University of Groningen
Chris Snoeijing (2008)
Hoe wordt aan een monitor toegevoegd licht ervaren?
In collaboration with Prof Dr A. Johnson – Experimental Psychology, University of Groningen
Rosemarijn Looije (2006)
iCat for you – A comparison between different personal e-health assistants
In collaboration with Prof Dr M. Neerincx – TNO Soesterberg
(first published as a refereed paper in IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2006; later also published as a paper in International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2010)
Johan Everts (2006)
Improving human-manchine cooperation through eye tracking - an agent-based approach
In collaboration with Dr G.M. te Brake – TNO Soesterberg, and Dr H.K. Verheij (AI)
Alwin Kruijt Spanjer (2006)
Ontwikkeling en usability-evaluatie van een programma voor het genereren van internetvragenlijsten
In collaboration with Dr A. Dijkstra – Social Psychology, University of Groningen
Lieke van Balen (2005)
Activation and localization of the emotional circuits in the brain: an fMRI study in patients with schizophrenia and healthy volunteers
In collaboration with Dr A.A.T. Reinders – Neuroimaging Centre, University Medical Centre Groningen
Jasper van der Woude (2005)
Evaluatie van de functionaliteit van een routegeleidingssysteem voor blinden en slechtzienden in het UMCG
In collaboration with Dr F.J.M. Steyvers - Experimental Psychology, University of Groningen
Bas Geerdink (2004)
Force Feedback Therapy for Cerebral Palsy Patients
In collaboration with Dr R. Richardson – School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds (UK)
(published in Cambridge Workshop on universal access and assistive technology, 2004)
Jos Braaksma (2004)
Computational Models of Development, a Layout
In collaboration with K. Zondervan MSc – Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen
Marcia van Oploo (2004)
Geheugenstrategieen voor het leren van toneelteksten
In collaboration with Dr N.A. Taatgen – Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen
Arjen Stuiver (2003)
Bepalen van mentale werkbelasting door cardiovasculaire data-analyse
In collaboration with Dr L.J.M. Mulder - Experimental Psychology, University of Groningen
Claudia Frank (2018)
Developing a App for diagnosing lactate levels in emergency medicine
(in collaboration with Critical Care & E&A, University Medical Centre of Groningen)
Savannah van Nugteren (2017)
Reducing Asepsis Error and Increasing the Learning Curve in Epidural Anaesthesia through Blended Learning in Anaesthesiology Residents – Phase 1
In collaboration with Dr. J.K.G. Wietasch - Anesthesiology, University Medical Centre Groningen
Anne de Jong (2017)
Smart Play: Using ACT-R's Memory equations to optimize training in an educational game
with Jelmer Borst (AI)
Michel van de Hoef (2017)
Aseptic technique in epidural anesthesia: a new trainig regime
In collaboration with Dr. J.K.G. Wietasch - Anesthesiology, University Medical Centre Groningen
Katja Paul (2015)
Procedure-specific teaching of aseptic technique is necessary in epidural anesthesia
In collaboration with Dr. J.K.G. Wietasch - Anesthesiology, University Medical Centre Groningen
Anita Drenthen (2015)
Improving students' summaries by focusing on relations in the text: a comparison between three different methods
Peter Jan Haga (2014)
Predicting human performance: A comparison between KLM, GOMS and CogTool
In collaboration with Dr P.M.A. van Ooijen & W. Jorritsma, MSc – Radiology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Johanna K. Peters (2014)
Child-Robot Interaction in Healthcare - Nao robot helps children to better manage their life with diabetes
In collaboration with R. Looije, MSc – Perceptual and Cognitive Systems, TNO Soesterberg
Stephanie Tulp (2014)
Multitasking during Simulated Driving – Additional Navigating-Related Tasks and Their Effect on Driving Performance
Niki Karakosta (2014)
Nestor Usability
In collaboration with Nestor Support
Eveline Broers (2012)
The influence of the testing effect on learning visual information
Lennart Stapelkamp & Stephan Mooibroek (2012)
Towards a Better RUG Website. Usability Research within the RUG-Web project
In collaboration with Prof Dr A. Johnson, Experimental Psychology, University of Groningen
Steven Warmelink (2016)
A Serious Game for Learning Alarm Combinations in the Pediatric Intensive Care
Kim van Prooijen (2016)
Interaction between radiologists and Computer Aided Diagnosis system in breast MRI
In collaboration with Dr M.D. Dorrius – Radiology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Pim van der Meulen (2016)
PIC Play: A Serious Game for Alarms in the Paediatric Intensive Care
In collaboration with Dr J.P. Borst – Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen
Evert van der Weit (2014)
Learning and retention of procedural skills
In collaboration with Dr R.A. Tio - Cardiology and the Center for Innovation and Research Medical Education, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Maaike van de Wetering (2013)
Exploratieve Analyse van de Gebruiksvriendelijkheid van Mosaiq
In collaboration with Radiotherapy, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Roel Stamhuis (2012)
Leren van complicaties in de anesthesie
Nino van Hooff (2010)
Simplified metaphorical anesthesia interfaces
Romke van der Meulen (2008)
Een speech act model van communicatie bij een 112 ambulance inzet
In collaboration with Ambulance Centre Assen, University Medical Centre of Groningen and Dr H.B. Verheij – Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen
Laurens Feenstra & Stefan Wierda (2007)
Context learning - Effective skill acquisition in Anesthesia
In collaboration with Dr M. Grapengeter – Anesthesiology & Skill Centre, University Medical Centre of Groningen
(published as a poster at the Cognitive Science Conference 2009, Amsterdam).
Mirjam Kaijser (2007)
Visualizing Brain Activation in Planning -- Tower of London and Practical Planning in fMRI
In collaboration with Dr K. Lambrechts & Prof Dr W. Brouwer – Neurology & Neuroimaging Center, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Marielle Winarto (2007)
Letseleffecten in een act‑r model van de strooptest
In collaboration with Dr N.A. Taatgen – Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen
Kim Does & Stephanie Kemna (2006)
Robots in elderly care
In collaboration with Dr B. de Boer & G. Kootstra MSc – Artificial Intelligence, University of Groningen
Chris Snoeijing & Connor Stroomberg & Jacolien Tange (2005)
Gebruikersonderzoek digitale systemen bij radiologie
In collaboration with Dr P.M.A. van Ooijen – Radiology, University Medical Centre of Groningen
Maaike Harbers (2004)
Het leren van toneelteksten
In collaboration with K. Terpstra - Noord-Nederlands Toneel, Groningen
Laatst gewijzigd: | 30 augustus 2024 15:49 |