F. (Frank) Birkenholz

1 Nov. 2016–present PhD Candidate, Faculty of Arts, University of Groningen, NL
Project: ‘The Paper Company: the impact of paper on the Dutch East India Company in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries’.
Supervisors: Dr. M.K. Williams and Prof. Dr. R.M. Esser
Sept. 2011–Nov. 2014 Research MA in Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Studies (CMRS) cum laude, University of Groningen, NL
MA-Thesis: ‘Grand gifts: the role of gifts in the diplomatic relations of the Dutch Republic and the Dutch East India Company with the Moroccan,Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal courts in the seventeenth century’.
Supervisors: Dr. M.K. Williams and Prof. Dr. R.M. Esser
Sept. 2007–Aug. 2011 BA in History, University of Groningen, NL
Relevant academic experience
2014–2016 Student-assistant ‘Paper princes – Investigating the role of paper in early modern diplomacy, c. 1450-1560’ University of Groningen (Dr. M.K. Williams)
Assistance organizing international conference ‘The Politics of Paper in the Early Modern World’ June 9-10, 2016, museum exhibition, coordination conference volume
2010–2012 Student-assistant in Medieval History University of Groningen (Prof. C.G. Santing)
Editing assistance for C. G. Santing and J.J. Touber eds., Blood-Symbol-Liquid (Leuven 2012) and C.G. Santing et al. eds., Disembodied Heads in Medieval and Early Modern Culture (Leiden 2013). Practical assistance symposium ‘Economies, Public Finance and the Impact of Institutional Change’, organized by Dr. R.W.M. van Schaïk, Groningen, June 8-9, 2012.
2012 Secretary, Organizing committee, CMRS Conference ‘Helden en schurken van de oudheid tot en met de vroegmoderne tijd’, Groningen, 29 May 2012
Departmental service
2011–2013 Secretary and student member Programme Committee ReMa CMRS
2011 Social activities committee ReMa CMRS
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