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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons F. (Frans ) Bianchi, PhD


Antigen presentation of post-translationally modified peptides in major histocompatibility complexes

Atypical cofilin signaling drives dendritic cell migration through the extracellular matrix via nuclear deformation

CD36 as a double-edged sword in cancer

Unveiling the impact of GOLM1/GP73 on cytokine production in cancer and infectious disease

A sensitive and less cytotoxic assay for identification of proliferating T cells based on bioorthogonally-functionalized uridine analogue

T cell cholesterol efflux suppresses apoptosis and senescence and increases atherosclerosis in middle aged mice

Transmembrane Helices Are an Over-Presented and Evolutionarily Conserved Source of Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I and II Epitopes

The PIKfyve Inhibitor Apilimod: A Double-Edged Sword against COVID-19

Extracellular loops matter: Subcellular location and function of the lysine transporter Lyp1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Growth Inhibition by Amino Acids in Saccharomyces cerevisiae


Comenius Teaching Fellow grant for Lerch and Bianchi

Comenius Teaching Fellow-beurs voor Lerch en Bianchi

NWO Impact Explorer voor onderzoek door Van den Bogaart naar vroege opsporing van kleine hoeveelheden delende kankercellen in bloed

NWO Impact Explorer for van den Bogaart’s research into the early detection of small amounts of dividing cancer cells in blood

NWO Demonstrator-financiering voor Van den Bogaart en Bianchi

NWO Demonstrator funding for Van den Bogaart and Bianchi

Spioneren met je immuunsysteem

Kinetics, dynamics and localization of basic amino acid transporters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae