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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons F. (Farzaneh) Bahrami, Dr


AI beyond Deus ex Machina: Reimagining Intelligence in Future Cities with Urban Experts

AI beyond Deus ex Machina - Reimagining Intelligence in Future Cities with Urban Experts

Planning for plurality of streets: a spheric approach to micromobilities

Thomas Sieverts on Zwischenstadt

Underground Atmospheres. Renewing the debate

A topology of the imaginaire: Urban experts' vision of AI

Cities of Extended Walks: Redistributing Space for Walking Continuities

Post-Car World: Futurs de la ville-territoire

Spatial Implications of Autonomous Vehicles: perils of a solution-oriented approach to the future

Walking Futures: Following in the Footsteps of Mobility Pioneers


The 15-minute city climate solution spreading from Paris to Cleveland : NPR

It's a global climate solution — if it can get past conspiracy theories and NIMBYs

We moeten meer praten over elektrische auto’s

Ambiances souterraines. Quel renouveau du débat ?

Moving Humans at the Tate Modern

Blue Barrier/Documentary