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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. F.A. (Floor) Rink


Overcoming or Removing Gendered Barriers? Support for Individualistic Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Interventions Among Those in Power

Beneath the surface: Resistance to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in organizations

Effective Networking Strategies for Female Leaders

Toezicht in tijden van schaarste

Where do Auditors Seek Advice? Perspectives from Social Status and Social Capital

A contingency model of the dominance route to influence in work teams: The moderating role of team competition

Crafting and human energy: Needs-based crafting efforts across life domains shape employees’ daily energy trajectories

Diversity: Revisiting Ancona & Caldwell’s ‘Demography and Design’ Study

Does Auditor Resilience Mitigate the Effects of Multiple Team Memberships on Quality Threatening Behaviors?

From Scarcity to Abundance: Scholars and Scholarship in an Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence
