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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. F.A. (Frank) Hindriks


Artificial agents: responsibility & control gaps

How institutions decay: towards an endogenous theory

Sustainable Institutions: How to Secure Values

The Problem of Collective Harm: A Threshold Solution

The social ontology of money

Can There Be Institutions Without Constitutive Rules?

Ontological Holism Without Mental Holism: Bratman on Institutional Agency

Rules, Equilibria and Virtual Control: How to Explain Persistence, Resilience and Fragility

Social Ontology: Money Is No Object?

The Nature and Significance of Social Ontology

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'Experience machines': The 1970s thought experiment that speaks to our times

In tijden van corona: Een klein sociaal wonder

Waarom zoveel woede op sociale media?

Pint of Science: A Vaccine Against Climate Apathy. The Duty to Join Forces.

De Haagsche Verlichtingsborrel. Liefde zonder grenzen? Polyamorie en relatieanarchie.

‘Botsen op de sociale snelweg.’

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