prof. dr. F.A. (Frank) Hindriks

Frank Hindriks is a philosopher with a background in economics. He is currently head of the department of Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy a the the Faculty of Philosophy. Prior to that he functioned as the director of the Center of Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE). He has received several grants including a VENI grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).
His research concerns social ontology and collective ethics. Hindriks is developing a theory of society in which social groups and institutions play a central role. It attends to both the bright and the dark side of institutions, including the ways in which they enable some but constrain others. He uses this theory to address issues such as identity politics, collective responsibility, corporate responsibility and rights. And he applies it to topics such as money, gender and climate change. He also has a keen interest in intentional action, moral responsibilty and moral rationalizations.
Hindriks is a member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities. Furthermore, he is a founding member of the International Social Ontology Society (ISOS) and one of the founding editors of the Journal of Social Ontology (JSO), which he co-edited until 2021. He collaborates with psychologists and sociologists within the Gravity Program Sustainable Cooperation .
His articles have been published by journals such as Philosophical Studies, Australasian Journal of Philosophy, Philosophical Quarterly, Synthese and Erkenntnis. A lot of his work is interdisciplinary. This is apparent from his pubilications in specialist journals including Economics and Philosophy, Mind and Language, Philosophical Psychology, Rationality and Society, and the Journal of Institutional Economics.
Last modified: | 17 October 2023 09.31 a.m. |