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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons E.Y. (Yagmur) Erten, PhD


Does symmetry preclude the evolution of senescence?: A comment on Pen and Flatt 2021

The adaptive potential of nonheritable somatic mutations

Cancer risk and sexual conflict as constraints to body size evolution

Bird size with dinosaur-level cancer defences: Can evolutionary lags during miniaturisation explain cancer robustness in birds?

Diverse ways to think about cancer: What can we learn about cancer by studying it across the tree of life?

From zygote to a multicellular soma: Body size affects optimal growth strategies under cancer risk

Transmissible cancers and the evolution of sex under the Red Queen hypothesis

Acculturation orientations affect the evolution of a multicultural society

Investigating spatiotemporal dynamics and synchrony of influenza epidemics in Australia: An agent-based modelling approach

Criticality and information dynamics in epidemiological models