prof. dr. E. (Edwin) Woerdman
Hoogleraar Markten en Regulering

Courses taught
Markets and Regulation (Bachelor), full course on efficiency and the rule of law, Groningen: University of Groningen (2021 to present)
Introduction to Economics (Bachelor), full course on microeconomics and macroeconomics, Groningen: University of Groningen (2018 to 2020)
Law and Economics (Bachelor), full course on basic principles, Groningen: University of Groningen (2005 to 2017)
Honours Programme (Bachelor), lectures on emissions trading for Honours students of the University of Groningen and for Privatissimum students of the Faculty of Law, Groningen: University of Groningen (2009 to 2014, and 2022 to present)
Energy and Climate Law for Non-Lawyers (Bachelor/Minor), lecture on the EU Emissions Trading System, Groningen: University of Groningen (2022 to present)
Law in Europe (Bachelor), several lectures on the basic principles of law and economics, Groningen: University of Groningen (2011, partly 2012 and 2015)
General Economics (Bachelor), several lectures on micro-economics, Groningen: University of Groningen (2006)
Several guest lectures, e.g. in the Philosophy, Politics and Economics Winter School at the University of Groningen (2024), in the Global and EU Environmental Law & Policy course at Wageningen University (2020), and in the Philosophy, Politics and Economics Bachelor at VU Amsterdam (2017)
Economics of Regulation (Master), full course on principles and application, Groningen: University of Groningen (2008 to present)
Climate Law (Master), course coordinator, Groningen: University of Groningen (2011 to present)
Law and Economics (Master), several lectures on basic principles, Enschede: University of Twente (2004)
Woerdman’s Master courses on 'Climate Law' and 'Economics of Regulation' are part of the LLM Energy and Climate Law in Groningen which has been rated among the Top 10 Energy Masters in the World:
Energy Law (professional), several lectures on emissions trading and the economics of energy market regulation as part of the North Sea Energy Law Programme, Energierecht op Locatie, Energierecht in de Praktijk, and In-Company Course NAM, Groningen: University of Groningen (2014 to present, 2010 to 2021, 2024 to present, and 2007 to 2011, respectively)
Public Management and Public Strategy (professional), several lectures on regulation and path dependence for the AOG School of Management, Groningen: University of Groningen (2002 and 2005 to 2020)
Gasunie 2012 (professional), several lectures on efficiency and path dependence of management at Gasunie, Groningen: Energy Delta Institute (2010 to 2011)
Institutional Law and Economics (professional), several lectures on advanced concepts, Enschede: Institute for Governance Studies (IGS) / University of Twente (2003)
Woerdman gave one lecture on the theory of emissions trading and the practical example of the EU ETS in the Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) ‘Solving the Energy Puzzle: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Energy Transition’, Groningen: University of Groningen / Future Learn (2015 and 2016)
Video: Woerdman on the LLM in Energy and Climate Law:
Laatst gewijzigd: | 18 november 2024 08:41 |