prof. dr. E. (Edwin) Woerdman

Research grants
Maritime Emissions Trading in the EU: A Law and Economics Perspective, PhD project (Manolis Kotzampasakis) on including the maritime sector in the EU ETS to stimulate cost-effective emission reductions from international shipping while minimizing carbon leakage and competitive distortions. Project leaders, applicants and promotors are Prof. Dr. Edwin Woerdman and Prof. Dr. Frans Nelissen (from 2021 to 2025).
Microgrids and EU Law, PhD project (Jamie Behrendt) empirically analyzing the regulatory barriers for micro-grids in the EU. Project leaders, applicants and promotors are Prof. Dr. Edwin Woerdman and Prof. Dr. Hans Vedder, in collaboration with the Groningen Centre for Empirical Legal Research (from 2021 to 2025).
Linking Emissions Trading to Other Sectors, PhD project (Surya Roy) on the behavioural conditions of efficiently expanding the EU ETS to new sectors, including households in the form of personal carbon trading. Project leaders, applicants and promotors are Prof. Dr. Oscar Couwenberg and Dr. Edwin Woerdman (from 2011 to 2015).
EDGaR (Energy Delta Gas Research) grant, PhD project (Thijs Jong) on 'Understanding Gas Sector Intra- and Inter-market Interactions: Comparative Analysis of Policy and Regulation'. Applicants and promotors are Prof. Dr. Oscar Couwenberg and Dr. Edwin Woerdman, project leader is Dr. Edwin Woerdman, in collaboration with Delft University of Technology and ECN (from 2010 to 2015).
Transaction Costs of Semi-Public Institutions, PhD project (Martin W. Holterman) on the law and economics of railway industry governance. Applicants are Dr. Edwin Woerdman, Prof. Dick Ruiter and Prof. Bert Steenge, project leaders and promotors are Prof. Dr. Ramses Wessel, Prof. Dr. Nico Groenendijk and Dr. Edwin Woerdman, carried out at the University of Twente (from 2005 to 2010).
NWO research grant, for a postdoc (Dr. Wilbert A.J. Grevers) on a study ‘Towards a Winning Hydrogen Economy? The Dynamics of a Techno-Institutional Co-evolution’. Project leaders and applicants are Dr. Edwin Woerdman and Dr. Frans P. de Vries (University of Stirling), as part of the NWO ACTS programme on Societal Aspects of Sustainable Hydrogen (from 2006 to 2008).
Consultant to the Joint Implementation Network (JIN), research for Prof. Catrinus Jepma on the compatibility of the Kyoto Mechanisms for the Dutch government’s Interdepartmental Task Force Kyoto Protocol (1998).
Laatst gewijzigd: | 03 juli 2022 16:40 |