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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. E. (Ellen) Visser


Assessing personal recovery in individuals with severe mental illness: validation of the Dutch Brief INSPIRE-O

Identifying factors strongest associated with clinical, societal and personal recovery in people with psychosis with a long duration of illness

Latent class analysis in a transdiagnostic psychiatric population to identify classes of psychosocial functioning: Using data from routine clinical practice

Sex differences and age of onset in well-being and recovery in people with psychotic disorders.: A PHAMOUS study

Financial dissatisfaction in people with psychotic disorders: a report on its prevalence and correlates in a large naturalistic psychosis cohort

Financiële ontevredenheid bij mensen met psychotische stoornissen: Een kort verslag over de prevalentie en correlaten in een groot naturalistisch psychosecohort

Societal recovery trajectories in people with a psychotic disorder in long term care: a latent class growth analysis

The Association Between Parity and Fecal Problems Differs by Urinary Status

The development of a co-created decision aid for patients with depression: Combining data-driven prediction with patients’ and clinicians’ needs and perspectives (Preprint)

Cardiovascular risk assessment methods yield unequal risk predictions: a large cross-sectional study in psychiatric secondary care outpatients


Clinical, societal and personal recovery in schizophrenia spectrum disorders across time: states and annual transitions