prof. dr. E. (Eline) Tolstoy

050 36 34073 (Secretariaat)
2020 Bachelors, 2nd year: Physics of Stars, 5EC
2019 Masters: Stars, Nucleosynthesis, and Chemical Evolution, 5EC
2017-2019 Masters: Electrodynamics of Radiation Processes, 5EC
2015-2019 Masters: Research Integrity
2015 Masters: Chemical Evolution of Galaxies, 3EC
2014 - 2016 Bachelors, 2nd year: Physics of Galaxies, 5EC
2012 Bachelors, 1st year: Wiskunde & Statistiek voor Farmacie
2009 - 2014 Masters: Galaxy Formation & Evolution, 5EC
2006 - 2008 Bachelors, 2nd year: Astrofysica A, 5EC (radiative processes)
2002 - 2006 Bachelors, 1st/2nd year: Actueel Onderzoek, 5EC (modern research)
2009 - 2011 Astronomy Bachelor students study advisor
2012 - 2014 Chair of the Kapteyn Institute graduate student assessment committee
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 12:33 |