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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons E. (Edlira) Shehu, Prof


Improving Blood Donor Retention and Donor Relationships with Past Donation Use Appeals

Incentives for plasma donation

It's not only what they buy, it's also what they keep: Linking marketing instruments to product returns

The impact of temporary deferrals on future blood donation behavior across the donor life cycle

Free Shipping Promotions and Product Returns

The risk of programmatic advertising: Effects of website quality on advertising effectiveness

When consumers can return digital products: Influence of firm- and consumer-induced communication on the returns and profitability of news articles

Cannibalisation effects in the early market stage of e-books–an analysis of the German book market

Protecting knowledge: How legal requirements to reveal information affect the importance of secrecy

Effects of Likeability Dynamics on Consumers' Intention to Share Online Video Advertisements


A medida simples que incentiva pessoas a doarem sangue de novo