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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. E.S. (Elizabeth) Marteijn


Baraka without Boundaries: The Christian-Muslim Encounter at Shared Shrines in West Bank Palestine

Heritage and Identity: Exploring the Middle East within World Christianity

Walking on the Pages of the Word of God: Self, Land, and Text Among Evangelical Volunteers in Jerusalem by Aron Engberg (review)

Popular Religion and Christianity

Martyrdom, Liberation, and Belonging: An Ethnography on the Popular Saint George Veneration among Palestinian Christians

Saint, Liberator, Martyr: Popular Palestinian Saint George Veneration in the Village of Al-Khader

The Politics of Interpretation: Understanding Biblical History in Palestinian Rural Culture

The Revival of Palestinian Christianity: Developments in Palestinian Theology

De publieke rol van Palestijnse theologie: Theologie in dialoog met de Palestijnse context