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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons E. (Eugenia) Rosca, Dr


Sink, Swim, or Drift: How Social Enterprises Use Supply Chain Social Capital to Balance Tensions Between Impact and Viability

Coordinating multi-level collective action: How intermediaries and digital governance can help supply chains tackle grand challenges

Creating Social Value for the ‘Base of the Pyramid’: An Integrative Review and Research Agenda

Driving social impact at the bottom of the Pyramid through the internet-of-things enabled frugal innovations

Curse or Blessing? Exploring risk factors of digital technologies in industrial operations

Circular solutions in developing countries: Coping with sustainability tensions by means of technical functionality and business model relevance

Supply chain inclusion in base of the pyramid markets: A cluster analysis and implications for global supply chains

Delivering societal impact through supply chain design: insights from B Corps

Editorial Embracing Complexity and Tensions to Advance Sustainable Managerial Practice

Risk management behaviour in digital factories: The influence of technology and task uncertainty on managerial risk responses