E.O. (Bert) de Brock

Stack of publications, reports, etc.
[67] J. de Boer, P.A.M. Kommers, and E.O. de Brock: Using learning styles and viewing styles in streaming video. Computers & Education, vol. 56 (3), 2011, pp. 727-735
See http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2010.10.015 (abstract)
[66]M.A. Swertz, M. Dijkstra, T. Adamusiak, J.K. van der Velde, A. Kanterakis, E.T. Roos, J. Lops, G.A. Thorisson, D. Arends, G. Byelas, J. Muilu, A.J. Brookes, E.O. de Brock, R.C. Jansen, and H. Parkinson:
The MOLGENIS toolkit: rapid prototyping of biosoftware at the push of a button. BMC Bioinformatics 2010, vol. 11 (Suppl 12). See http://genomebiology.com/content/pdf/gb-2010-11-3-r27.pdf (full paper)
[65] T.P. Tervonen, E.O. de Brock, P.A. de Graeff, and H.L. Hillege:
Current status and future perspectives on drug information systems. In Proceedings of the 18th European conference on information systems (ECIS2010), Pretoria, South Africa, 2010
See http://web.up.ac.za/ecis/ECIS2010PR/ECIS2010/Content/Papers/0004.R1.pdf (full paper)
[64] G. van Valkenhoef, T.P. Tervonen, E.O. de Brock, and D. Postmus:
Product and release planning practices for extreme programming. In A. Sillitti et al. (eds.): Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming (XP2010) , Trondheim, Springer, LNBIP, vol. 48, Part 2, 2010, pp. 238-243. See http://www.springerlink.com/content/k8265757t7131225 (abstract)
[63]M.A. Swertz, K.J. van der Velde, B.M. Tesson, R.A. Scheltema, D. Arends, G. Vera, R. Alberts, M. Dijkstra, P. Schofield, K. Schughart, J.M. Hancock, D. Smedley, K. Wolstencroft, C. Goble, E.O. de Brock, A.R. Jones, H.E. Parkinson, members of the Coordination of Mouse Informatics Resources (CASIMIR), Genotype-To-Phenotype (GEN2PHEN) Consortiums, and R.C. Jansen: XGAP: a uniform and extensible data model and software platform for genotype and phenotype experiments. Genome Biology 2010, vol. 11 (3), R27
See http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2105-11-S12-S12.pdf (full paper)
[62] E.O. de Brock: Transactions in ORM. In: T. Halpin et al. (eds.): BPMDS 2009 and EMMSAD 2009, Springer, Heidelberg, LNBIP, vol. 29, 2009, pp. 291-301
See http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-3-642-01861-9/#section=31337&page=1&locus=0 (abstract)
[61] E.O. de Brock and A. Boonstra: Supporting the creation of business re-engineering ideas.
Business Process Management Journal, vol. 14 (3), 2008, pp. 307-326
See http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=1732657 (abstract)
[60]A. Boonstra and E.O. de Brock: Identifying e-business options.
In M. Khosrow-Pour (ed.): Encyclopedia of E-Commerce, E-Government, and Mobile Commerce,
Idea Group Publishing, Hershey (PA), 2006, pp. 580-586
See http://www.igi-global.com/bookstore/chapter.aspx?titleid=12597 (abstract)
[59]M.A. Swertz and E.O. de Brock:
Functional design of the TCC Metabase, a meta database for controlled distribution of clinical trial databases.
Specification report for the Trial Coordination Center, Groningen, 2005; 25 pages
[58]E.O. de Brock: Operations on (ordered) interval sets.
SOM Research Report 04A23, University of Groningen, 2004; 30 pages
See http://som.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/FILES/reports/themeA/2004/04A23/04A23.pdf (full paper)
[57]A. Boonstra and E.O. de Brock: Automated brainstorming about communication channels.
Informatie, December 2004, pp. 22-26 (in Dutch). See http://www.informatie.nl/Artikelen/2004/december/Geautomatiseerdbrainstormenovercommunicatiekanalen.aspx (abstract)
[56] H. Balsters and E.O. de Brock:
Integration of Integrity Constraints in Federated Schemata Based on Tight Constraining .
In R. Meersman and Z. Tari (eds.): On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems ,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3290, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2004, pp. 748-767
See http://www.springerlink.com/index/P7YALYJU184CNN39 (abstract)
[55] H. Balsters and E.O. de Brock:
An Object-Oriented Framework for Reconciliation and Extraction in Heterogeneous Data Federations .
In T. Yakhno (ed.): Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Advances in Information Systems ,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3261, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2004, pp. 34-46
See http://www.springerlink.com/index/QNDYA2EF9KRPLEK3 (abstract)
[54]E.O. de Brock: Via Choice to Opportunity: Decision Support for Generating, Ordering, Assessing, and Selecting (E-)Business Options for an Organization.
In A. Valstar and M.J.I.M. van Genuchten (eds.): 50 years of Information Systems 1978-2028, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2004, pp. 551-563 (in Dutch)
[53] M.A. Swertz, E.O. de Brock et al.: Molecular Genetics Information System (MOLGENIS): Alternatives in Developing Local Experimental Genomics Databases . Bioinformatics, vol. 20 (13), 2004, pp. 2075-2083
See http://bioinformatics.oupjournals.org/cgi/reprint/bth206v1.pdf (full paper)
[52] H. Balsters and E.O. de Brock: Integration of Integrity Constraints in Database Federations.
In S. Jajodia and L. Strous (eds.): Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems,
Kluwer, Boston, 2004, pp. 143-158
See http://www.springerlink.com/content/cn3u17651461gq28 (abstract)
[51] E.O. de Brock: Teaching Structured Design of Network Algorithms in Enhanced Versions of SQL.
Journal of Information Technology Education, vol. 3, 2004, pp. 1-17
See http://www.jite.org/documents/Vol3/v3p001-017-065.pdf (full paper)
[50] H. Balsters and E.O. de Brock: Federation Views as a Basis for Querying and Updating Database Federations.
SOM Research Report 03A34, University of Groningen, 2003; 26 pages
See http://som.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/FILES/reports/themeA/2003/03A34/03a34.pdf (full paper)
[49] H. Balsters and E.O. de Brock: An Object-Oriented Framework for Managing Cooperating Legacy Databases.
In D. Konstantas et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Object-Oriented Information Systems ,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2817, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2003, pp. 311-316
See http://www.springerlink.com/content/5cpde26ygg6h7hpk (abstract)
[48] E.O. de Brock and A. Boonstra: A Framework and a Tool to Generate E-Business Options.
SOM Research Report 03A11, University of Groningen, 2003; 23 pages
See http://som.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/FILES/reports/themeA/2003/03A11/03A11.pdf (full paper)
[47] A. Boonstra and E.O. de Brock: A Framework for Generating and Ordering E-Business Options.
In Proceedings of the 24th McMaster World Congress on the Management of Electronic Business,
Hamilton, Canada, 2003
[46] E.O. de Brock: Integrating Real Practical Experience in ICT Education.
Journal of Information Systems Education, vol. 12 (3), 2001, pp. 133-140
See http://www.jise.org/Issues/12/133.pdf (full paper)
[45] E.O. de Brock and H. Balsters:
Towards a General Semantic Framework for Design of Federated Database Systems.
SOM Research Report 01A26, University of Groningen, June 2001; 17 pages
[44]H. Balsters, E.O. de Brock, and S. Conrad (eds.): Database Schema Evolution and Meta-Modeling.
Post-Proceedings of the DEMM2000-conference.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2065, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2001; 245 pages
See http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/tocs/t2065.htm (book)
[43] E.O. de Brock: Integrating IT Education and the World Outside.
In M. Khosrow-Pour (ed.): Proceedings IRMA-conference,
Idea Group Publishing, Hershey (PA), 2000, pp. 863-864
[42] E.O. de Brock: Declarative Specifications of Complex Transactions, with an Application to Cascading Deletes.
In G. Saake, K. Schwarz, and C. Türker (eds.): Post-Proceedings of the TDD’99-conference,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1773, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2000, pp. 150-166
See http://link.springer.de/link/service/series/0558/bibs/1773/17730150.htm (abstract)
[41] E.O. de Brock: A General Treatment of Dynamic Integrity Constraints.
Data & Knowledge Engineering, vol. 32 (3), 2000, pp. 223-246
See http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= (full paper)
[40] E.O. de Brock: Declarative Specifications of Complex Transactions.
SOM Research Report 98A41, University of Groningen, October 1998; 24 pages
See http://som.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/FILES/reports/1995-1999/themeA/1998/98A41/98a41.pdf (full paper)
[39]S. Bulthuis and E.O. de Brock: Webservers based on an Objectdatabase.
Informatie, July/August 1998, pp. 32-39 (in Dutch)
See http://www.informatie.nl/Artikelen/1998/augustus/Webserversopbasisvaneenobjectdatabase.aspx (abstract)
[38] E.O. de Brock: Higher Education and the ICT-labourmarket. Informatie, February 1998, p. 53 (in Dutch)
[37] E.O. de Brock: A General Treatment of Dynamic Constraints.
SOM Research Report 97A47, University of Groningen, November 1997; 23 pages
See http://som.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/FILES/reports/1995-1999/themeA/1997/97A47/97a47.pdf (full paper)
[36] E.O. de Brock: An Exercise in the Structured Design of Complex Algorithms in (Extensions of) SQL.
SOM Research Report 97A46, University of Groningen, October 1997; 25 pages
See http://som.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/FILES/reports/1995-1999/themeA/1997/97A46/97a46.pdf (full paper)
[35] E.O. de Brock: Some Operations on Database Universes.
SOM Research Report 97A38, University of Groningen, September 1997; 8 pages
See http://som.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/FILES/reports/1995-1999/themeA/1997/97A46/97a46.pdf (full paper)
[34] E.O. de Brock: The Theme Datamining. Informatie, September 1997, p. 6 (in Dutch)
See http://www.informatie.nl/Artikelen/1997/september/Thema-intro.aspx (abstract)
[33] E.O. de Brock: Structured Design of Complex Algorithms in (Extensions of) SQL.
Informatie, January 1997, pp. 48-53 (in Dutch). See
http://www.informatie.nl/Artikelen/1997/januari/Complexealgoritmengestructureerdontwerpen.aspx (abstract)
[32] E.O. de Brock: Marginalize or to be Marginalized?
Informatie, March 1996, p. 19 (in Dutch)
[31] E.O. de Brock: Driving License Needed in the Modern Development Racing Car.
Automatisering Gids, 19 January 1996, p. 15 (in Dutch)
[30] E.O. de Brock: Foundations of Semantic Databases.
Prentice Hall International Series in Computer Science, Hemel Hempstead, 1995; 230 pages
[29] E.O. de Brock: System Specification WIS (Road Information System).
Specification report for the Polder of Noord‑ and Zuid‑Beveland, 1992; 54 pages (in Dutch)
[28]E.O. de Brock, A.V. Koppelaars, and A.J.J. Leijten: Investigation of Development Environments.
Investigation report, Remmen & De Brock, 1992; 20 pages (in Dutch)
[27] E.O. de Brock: Specification of the Career Planning System LBS.
Specification report, Remmen & De Brock, 1992 (in Dutch)
[26] E.O. de Brock: Investigation into the Position of PowerHouse.
Report of a contra‑expertise for a Dutch insurance company, 1991; 23 pages (in Dutch)
[25]E.O. de Brock, F. Remmen, and J.C. Wortmann:
A Conceptual Model for Product‑Types and Bills‑of‑Material: Application of a Set‑Theoretic Approach.
In R. Companys, P. Falster, and J.L. Burbidge (eds.): Databases for Production Management,
North‑Holland, Amsterdam, 1990, pp. 3-37
[24] E.O. de Brock: Function and Usage of the Road and Traffic Databank of the Province of Zeeland.
Advisory report for the Province of Zeeland, 1990; 15 pages (in Dutch)
[23]Independent Database Team ‑ Holland:
A Functional Evaluation of Relational Systems using the Functional Benchmark.
Proceedings IDT/EIT, Ghent (B), 1990
[22] E.O. de Brock: Evaluation of the Road and Traffic Databank of the Province of Zeeland.
Evaluation report for the Province of Zeeland, 1990; 25 pages (in Dutch)
[21] E.O. de Brock: Formal Methods for Modeling Data Dictionaries.
In Proceedings Frans Remmen Symposium, Eindhoven University of Technology, 1989, pp. 1‑18 (in Dutch)
[20]F. Remmen and E.O. de Brock: Comparative Research of Database Management Systems.
Selection report for the Province of Zeeland, 1989 (in Dutch)
[19]Independent Database Team ‑ Holland: Evaluation of 16 Top RDBMS’s using the Functional Benchmark.
Proceedings IDT/Codd&Date‑conference, Berlin, 1989
[18] E.O. de Brock: The Foundations of Semantic Databases.
Academic Service, The Hague, 1989; 237 pages (in Dutch)
[17]IJ.J. Aalbersberg et. al.: Several Types of Knowledge and Inheritance.
Philips Research Laboratories (PRISMA), 1989; 50 pages
[16] E.O. de Brock: And What about Performance? In [15].
[15]Independent Database Team ‑ Holland: Relational Database in Practice.
Proceedings IDT/Codd&Date‑conference, London, 1988
[14]Databaseclub NGI: The Practical Use of Relational Systems Presented.
Proceedings NGI‑conference (C34), Amsterdam, 1988; 272 pages (in Dutch)
[13] E.O. de Brock: Some Formal Aspects of Data Dictionaries.
Philips Research Laboratories, NL‑14.638, 1988; 20 pages
[12] E.O. de Brock: A Non‑trivial Example of a Database Universe. In [11], pp. 21‑27 (in Dutch)
[11]Databaseclub NGI: The Practical Use of Relational Systems Presented.
Proceedings NGI‑conference (C27), Utrecht, 1987; 195 pages (in Dutch)
[10]F. Remmen and E.O. de Brock:
Evaluation LISSAH System: Its Usability as an Information System for Higher Vocational Education Schools.
Evaluation report for the Dutch Council of Schools for Higher Vocational Education, 1987; 16 pages (in Dutch)
[9] F. Remmen and E.O. de Brock: Technical Evaluation ADB (Agrarian Data Base).
Evaluation report for the Ministry of Agriculture, 1986; 21 pages (in Dutch)
[8] E.O. de Brock: The Mathematical Theory of Databases (Part II).
Memorandum, Eindhoven University of Technology (Math/CS), 1985; 43 pages (in Dutch)
[7] E.O. de Brock: The Mathematical Theory of Databases (Part I).
Memorandum 84‑10, Eindhoven University of Technology (Math/CS), 1984; 39 pages (in Dutch)
[6] Sections 1 - 4 of the chapter “Mathematical Tools” in the “Poly Automatization Handbook”.
Royal PBNA, Arnheim (NL); 1984, 1987, etc.; 25 pages (in Dutch)
[5] E.O. de Brock: Database Models and Retrieval Languages.
Dissertation, Eindhoven University of Technology, 1984; 141 pages
[4] E.O. de Brock:
On Complete Proof Systems, with an Application to Positive and Boolean Dependencies in Database Relations.
Memorandum, Eindhoven University of Technology (Math/CS), 1982; 43 pages
[3] E.O. de Brock: Sets and Databases. In P.M.G. Apers (ed.): Colloquium Databank Organization (1),
Mathematical Centre, Amsterdam, 1981, pp. 89‑116 (in Dutch)
[2] E.O. de Brock: Tables, Table Variables, and Static Integrity Constraints.
Memorandum 80‑12, Eindhoven University of Technology (Math/CS), 1980; 45 pages
[1] E.O. de Brock: Product Sets and Database Relations.
Memorandum 79‑16, Eindhoven University of Technology (Math/CS), 1979; 12 pages (in Dutch)
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