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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. E.M.C. (Esther) Bouma


Attachment as the Catalyst for the Attribution of Complex Cognition and Emotion to Companion Cats

Cat owners’ anthropomorphic perceptions of feline emotions and interpretation of photographs

Owner’s Anthropomorphic Perceptions of Cats’ and Dogs’ Abilities Are Related to the Social Role of Pets, Owners’ Relationship Behaviors, and Social Support

A Time to Say Goodbye: Empathy and Emotion Regulation Predict Timing of End-of-Life Decisions by Pet Owners

Family Member, Best Friend, Child or 'Just' a Pet, Owners' Relationship Perceptions and Consequences for Their Cats

Eenmaal daags voeren van katten – effecten voor welzijn en gedrag van de kat

Expectations versus Reality: Long-Term Research on the Dog-Owner Relationship

Social-Cognitive Processes Before Dog Acquisition Associated with Future Relationship Satisfaction of Dog Owners and Canine Behavior Problems

Predicting mental disorders from hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis functioning: a 3-year follow-up in the TRAILS study

Self-efficacy is related to PhD completion time: possible tool for interventions