dr. E.L.M. (Els) Maeckelberghe

Research ethics
Ethics in Health Care
Medical Humanities
Scientific Integrity
see: www.integrityfactor.nl
Good scientific research is also ethically sound research, but what does this practically mean? The aim of the courses is to introduce students to problems and tools of research ethics. Topics covered in the research ethics courses address all phases of scientific research from research problem selection, methodology, working with research subjects to issues of international collaboration, commercialisation and authorship. The courses are designed as interactive courses training students and researchers to recognise ethical issues in their daily work and discussing opportunities to deal with these. This means that also institutional and other tools are discussed such as the role and functions of Institutional Review Boards, the UMCG protocol and risk-benefit assessments.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 18 juli 2023 14:26 |