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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. E.C. (Ernst) Wit


A predictive model for planning emergency events rescue during COVID-19 in Lombardy, Italy

A mixed-effects stochastic model reveals clonal dominance in gene therapy safety studies

Scalable inference of cell differentiation networks in gene therapy clonal tracking studies of haematopoiesis

Dynamic symptom networks across different at-risk stages for psychosis: An individual and transdiagnostic perspective

Bistability in fatty-acid oxidation resulting from substrate inhibition

COVID-19 and the difficulty of inferring epidemiological parameters from clinical data

Detecting phylodiversity-dependent diversification with a general phylogenetic inference framework

Bayesian smooth-and-match inference for ordinary differential equations models linear in the parameters

How rare are power-law networks really?

Identifying overlapping terrorist cells from the Noordin top actor - event network