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A framework to integrate artificial intelligence training into radiology residency programs: preparing the future radiologist

Artificial intelligence and radiologists in prostate cancer detection on MRI (PI-CAI): an international, paired, non-inferiority, confirmatory study

Assessing deep learning reconstruction for faster prostate MRI: visual vs. diagnostic performance metrics

Does FDG-PET/CT for incidentally found pulmonary lesions lead to a cascade of more incidental findings?

Federated learning for prostate cancer detection in biparametric MRI: optimization of rounds, epochs, and aggregation strategy

Is radiology's future without medical images?

Machine learning-based radiomic analysis and growth visualization for ablation site recurrence diagnosis in follow-up CT

Prostate MRI and artificial intelligence during active surveillance: should we jump on the bandwagon?

Using deep learning to optimize the prostate MRI protocol by assessing the diagnostic efficacy of MRI sequences

What is the added value of specialist radiology review of multidisciplinary team meeting cases in a tertiary care center?

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1,9 miljoen euro subsidie voor terugdringen van scantijd MRI bij prostaatkanker

Subsidie voor onderzoek naar snellere MRI-scan met AI

1,9 miljoen euro subsidie voor snellere MRI-scan met artificial intelligence

Subsidie voor onderzoek naar het verkorten van de duur van MRI-scans

Bijna 2 miljoen euro subsidie voor snellere MRI-scan met artificial intelligence

RUG-onderzoeker wil MRI-scan bij prostaatkanker terugbrengen naar kwartier

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