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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons D.W. (David) Thieltges, Prof


Effects of predation risk on parasite–host interactions and wildlife diseases

Lack of Hematodinium microscopic detection in crustaceans at the northern and southern ends of the Wadden Sea and an update of its distribution in Europe

Morphological vs. molecular identification of trematode species infecting the edible cockle Cerastoderma edule across Europe

Non-linear effects of non-host diversity on the removal of free-living infective stages of parasites

Warming effects on the life cycles of two parasitic copepods with different invasion histories

Anthropogenic noise pollution and wildlife diseases

Ecological consequences of parasite invasions

Effect of predation risk on parasite transmission from first to second intermediate trematode hosts

Introduced species in a tidal ecosystem of mud and sand: Curse or blessing?

Parasite effects on host's trophic and isotopic niches


12 Dutch subprojects awarded in European biodiversity programme

Database met functionele soortkenmerken online

29. Petersen-Exzellenzprofessur für Forschung zu marinen Parasiten

Exoten kunnen ook wat toevoegen aan natuur

Ook parasieten hebben bescherming nodig