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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. D.B. (Dennis) Veltrop


From Conflict to Counsel: The Interplay of Boardā€TMT Cognitive Conflict, TMT Tenure, and Board Tenure on Board Advice Giving

Where do Auditors Seek Advice? Perspectives from Social Status and Social Capital

Does Auditor Resilience Mitigate the Effects of Multiple Team Memberships on Quality Threatening Behaviors?

Striving for sustainable development at the top: Exploring the interplay of director and CEO values on environmental sustainability focus

Managing C-suite conflict: The unique impact of internal and external governance interfaces on top management team reflexivity

Why and when female directors are less engaged in their board duties: An interface perspective

Too Unsafe to Monitor? How Board–CEO Cognitive Conflict and Chair Leadership Shape Outside Director Monitoring

Board informal hierarchy and board performance

How internal and external supervision impact the dynamics between boards and top management yeams and TMT reflexivity

The relationship between tenure and outside director task involvement: A social identity perspective