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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons D. (Dimitris) Serafis, Dr


‘Abbiamo liberato un’islamica’: Deconstructing the argumentative legitimation of discriminatory attitudes against Silvia Romano

Critical reconstructions of populist multimodal argumentation: Illustrations from right-wing parties’ Facebook posts on the Russo-Ukrainian refugee issue

Endoxa, regimes of truth and hatred rhetoric: Examining Golden Dawn’s online media discourses

Normalizing assimilation in antiracist (con)texts and (re)producing liquid racism: Argumentative inferences in Greek right- and left-wing political discourses

Why soft hate speech matters: Argumentativity and the dispersion of hatred towards minorities

Zooming in on the study of soft hate speech: An introduction to this special issue

Authoritarianism on the Front Page: Multimodal discourse and argumentation in times of multiple crises in Greece

Between adversariness and compromise: A rhetorical analysis of contemporary Greek political discourse in times of crisis

Branding Brexit: A big data textual approach

Dismantling European values: ‘Refugee crisis’ and discriminatory attitudes in Greek online news portals