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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. D.P. (Dirk Pieter) van Donk


Eliminating production losses in changeover operations: a case study on a major European food manufacturer

Finding the right one: understanding the supplier selection process of social enterprises

Social enterprises in supply chains: driving systemic change through social impact

Contextualizing resilience to critical infrastructure maintenance supply networks

Improving cross-functional teams’ effectiveness during supply chain disruptions: the importance of information scouting and internal integration

Managing Customer Order Decoupling Points in Supply Chains

Heeding Supply Chain Disruption Warnings: When And How Do Cross‐Functional Teams Ensure Firm Robustness?

How can suppliers increase their buyers’ CSR engagement: the role of internal and relational factors

One size does not fit all: a contingency approach for resilience

Resilience in interorganizational networks: Dealing with day-to-day disruptions in critical infrastructures

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