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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons D. (Denise) Mensonides


Navigating the digital playground: a child-centred study on the development of digital literacies

Digital In- and Exclusion in Everyday Life: Practices and Literacies Across the Lifespan

Digital Literacies as Socially Situated Pedagogical Processes: Genealogically Understanding Media, Information, and Digital Literacies

Playful Citizens: How Children Develop and Integrate News-Related Practices in Their Daily Lives

Playfully building resilience: Dutch children’s risk-managing tactics in digital risky play

Scary, But Fun: Children’s Explorations Of Digital Risky Play


Online èn offline spelen belangrijk voor ontwikkeling digitale geletterdheid bij kinderen

Onderzoek RUG: “Digitaal spelen voor kinderen is zo gek nog niet”