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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. ir. D. (David) Lentink


Bird-inspired reflexive morphing enables rudderless flight

Small deviations in kinematics and body form dictate muscle performances in the finely tuned avian downstroke

Small deviations in kinematics and body form dictate muscle performances in the finely tuned avian downstroke

Bird-inspired robotics principles as a framework for developing smart aerospace materials

Aerial Grasping and the Velocity Sufficiency Region

Birds both avoid and control collisions by harnessing visually guided force vectoring

Bird-inspired dynamic grasping and perching in arboreal environments

How oscillating aerodynamic forces explain the timbre of the hummingbird's hum and other animals in flapping flight

Lepidoptera demonstrate the relevance of Murray's Law to circulatory systems with tidal flow

The role of basilisk lizard toe fringes in effective water running


Un robot con plumas que vuela como un pájaro

This Drone Uses Piercing Talons to Perch—or Snatch Things

The bio-inspired robots going undercover to study animal behaviour

Hoe vissen kunnen eten zonder gespierde tong

Het lijkt soms alsof skydivers door de lucht zwemmen. Doen ze dat ook?

Stanford engineers create a dead bird-like robot

Stanford Engineers Create Perching Bird-Like Robot

Paradisolezing De Voorspelling - David Lentink

Drone With Legs and 3D-Printed Talons Can Perch Anywhere