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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. D.J. (Dirk-Jan) Scheffers


Selectivity and Activity of Benzene-1,2,4-triol and its Dimers as Antimicrobial Compounds Against Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri

Semisynthetic guanidino lipoglycopeptides with potent in vitro and in vivo antibacterial activity

Bacterial membrane dynamics: Compartmentalization and repair

Evaluation of Kdo-8-N3 incorporation into lipopolysaccharides of various Escherichia coli strains

An organogold compound as potential antimicrobial agent against drug resistant bacteria: Initial mechanistic insights

Antibacterial activity of a new monocarbonyl analog of curcumin MAC 4 is associated with divisome disruption

Benzenetriol-Derived Compounds against Citrus Canker

Characterization of two relacidines belonging to a novel class of circular lipopeptides that act against Gram-negative bacterial pathogens

Flotillin-mediated membrane fluidity controls peptidoglycan synthesis and MreB movement

Investigating the Modes of Action of the Antimicrobial Chalcones BC1 and T9A


Sustainable Citrus Group Meets in Brazil

Dirk-Jan Scheffers wins the Zilveren Zandloper Award

Zilveren Zandloper voor Dirk-Jan Scheffers

‘Zilveren Zandloper’ for Dirk-Jan Scheffers

Subsidie voor onderzoek naar duurzame sinaasappelteelt – in samenwerking met Brazilië

Grant for research into sustainable orange cultivation – in collaboration with Brazil

Twee onderzoeksprojecten met Brazilië (FAPESP) toegekend over duurzame biomassaproductie voor een ‘biobased economy’

Two research projects with Brazil (FAPESP) awarded on sustainable biomass production for a biobased economy

Ruimtegebrek FSE wordt afgewenteld op ons, zeggen docenten

Zorgen bij docenten hoger onderwijs: de boel gaat weer open, maar veel studenten zijn nog niet gevaccineerd