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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. D.G. (Donald) van Tol


General practitioners' experiences with chronic abdominal symptoms and a faecal calprotectin guided referral strategy in children: A Dutch qualitative study

Feel it! A qualitative study on the social origins of somatic symptoms: “You’re supposed to go to school, but okay, if she is REALLY sick, or coughs or REALLY isn’t feeling well…”

Psychische klachten: waarom niets doen zo lastig is

Qualitative study evaluating the expectations and experiences of Dutch parents of children with chronic gastrointestinal symptoms visiting their general practitioner

Sick or Sad? A Qualitative Study on How Dutch GPs Deal With Sadness Complaints Among Young Adults

Mijn 90-jarige huisgenoot.: Een exploratief onderzoek naar het intergenerationele contact tussen ouderen en jongeren die samenwonen in verzorgingshuizen in Nederland.

De kracht van de algemene voorziening: Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de sociale samenhang binnen twee algemene voorzieningen in de stad Groningen

Developments in the practice of physician-assisted dying: perceptions of physicians who had experience with complex cases

Considerations on requests for euthanasia or assisted suicide; a qualitative study with Dutch general practitioners