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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. D.G. (Doekele) Stavenga


Butterfly blues and greens caused by subtractive colour mixing of carotenoids and bile pigments

Morpho butterfly flashiness crucially depends on wing scale curvature

Butterfly wing translucence enables enhanced visual signaling

Circadian rhythm entrainment of the jewel wasp, Nasonia vitripennis, by antagonistic interactions of multiple spectral inputs

Pigmentary colouration of hairy carpenter bees, genus Xylocopa

Polarized iridescence of the tropical carpenter bee, Xylocopa latipes

Subtractive colour mixing with bile pigments creates the rich wing palette of Graphium weiskei butterflies

Automated Charting of the Visual Space of Housefly Compound Eyes

Mechanisms of flower coloring and eco-evolutionary implications of massive blooming events in the Atacama Desert

Coloration of flowers by flavonoids and consequences of pH dependent absorption


How poppy flowers get those vibrant colours that entice insects

Sophisticated optical secrets revealed in glossy buttercup flowers