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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. D. (Donya) Ahmadi


Academic freedom in publishing on gender-based violence and harassment

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The Intersectional Experiences of Iranian Feminists from Minoritized Ethno-National Backgrounds

Standing on top of society's sexist load: Gate-keeping activism and feminist respectability politics in the case of the Iranian MeToo Movement

Everyday embodied othering experiences of young Muslims in the Netherlands

Introducing Intersectionality, by Mary Romero, Malden, Polity Press, 2017, 296 pp.

Diversity and social cohesion: the case of Jane-Finch, a highly diverse lower-income Toronto neighbourhood

Is diversity our strength? An analysis of the facts and fancies of diversity in Toronto

Living with diversity in Jane-Finch

Serving diverse communities: The role of community initiatives in delivering services to poverty neighbourhoods