prof. dr. C. (Christian) Zuidema
Adjunct Hoogleraar Ruimtelijke Planning
![Profielfoto van prof. dr. C. (Christian) Zuidema](/staff/c.zuidema/photo.png?unique=1409661349809.jpg)
- ‘Reinventing Environmental Planning’ (5ects) in the Master Environment and Infrastructure Planning [2012-present] – Coordinator, Teacher (60%)
- ‘Planning en Milieu’ [‘Planning and Environment’] (5ects) in the bachelor ‘Technische Planologie’ [Technical Planning], 3rd bachelor year course [2010-present] – Coordinator, Teacher (60%)
- ‘Energy Minor’, 3rd year bachelor, Teacher (~10%) in all courses: Multidisciplinary Energy Essentials [10 ects], Energy Case Study [5ects], Solving Energy Challenges [5 ects] and Energy Research Project [10 ects]
- ‘Urbanism & Urban Planning’ (10ects) in the Bachelors ‘Technische Planologie’ [Technical Planning] and ‘Sociale Geografie & Planologie’ [Social Geography and Planning], 1st year course [2015-2017/ 2020-present] – Teacher (30%)
- ‘Leading the Energy Transition’ (1ects) [University’s Honours Master], [2014-present] – Coordinator, Teacher (100%)
- ‘Ruimtelijke Planning 1; Structuren en Functies’ [‘Spatial Planning 1: Structures and Functions’] (5ects) in the bachelor ‘Technische Planologie’ [Technical Planning], 1st year course [2010-2015] – Coordinator, Teacher (70%)
- ‘Solving the Energy Puzzle: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Energy Transition – Module 5: The spatial aspect of the energy transition [Massive Open Online Course, University of Groningen, 2015-present] – Teacher (100%)
- ‘Individual Research Training’ (10ects) of the Research Master in Regional Studies (no lecturing involved) [2011-2015] – Coordinator
- ‘Research Frontiers’ (5ects) of the Research Master in Regional Studies (no lecturing involved) [2011-2017] – Coordinator
- Global Course of University College Groningen with Arizona State University, 1 lecture (Towards renewable energy) [Teacher, 2018; 2019]
- Pathways Towards Sustainable Futures (PASF) Summer School [5 ects, Teacher; Sao Paolo, Brazil; 2016]
- Groningen Energy Summer School [5 ects, International Summer School for PhDs, Coordinator and Teacher; 2015 – present]
- European Union Erasmus Intensive Program on Spatial Planning [5 ects, Supervisor; Ankara, Turkey / 2013 - 2015]
- Comparative International Planning Systems [Lecture; University of Reading / 2014 – present]
- Masterclass ‘Urban Metabolism’ [Lecture; University of Amsterdam / 2015 – present]
- Summer School SETS (Society, Environment, Transportation and Space) [Lecture; Groningen, NL / 2009-present)
- Summer School Energy [Coordinator, Supervisor & Lecturer; Groningen, NL / 2014 – present]
- International School of Spatial Policy Studies, school Spatial Problems and Spatial Policies; part of the [Lecture; Groningen, NL / 2011 – present)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 16:42 |