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Rural resilience and renewable energy in North-East Groningen, the Netherlands: in search of synergies

Towards and integrated energy landscape

A framework to identify offshore spatial trade-offs in different space allocation options for Offshore Wind Farms, as part of the North Sea Offshore Grid

Making knowledge matter: Understanding and improving knowledge-integration in Dutch marine spatial planning policy

A methodological approach for developing institutionalized integrated sustainable energy and climate action plans: The 2ISECAP project

Energiearmoede, een inleiding

Energietransitie als maatschappelijk proces

Exploring agenda-setting of offshore energy innovations: Niche-regime interactions in Dutch Marine Spatial Planning processes

Inpassen van energietransitie in de samenleving

Regionally integrated energy system detailed spatial analysis: Groningen Province case study in the northern Netherlands

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Wonen, energie en het landschap

Energie en zonneweides in het landschap

The energytransition can be nice, if you are smart about it!

Leve de energierevolutie

Energie in Zicht

Energie tekent het landschap

Noorderbreedte Aardbevingen, Guest editor

Paying attention to the local situation is crucial to energy transition

Draagvlak door Windenergie

Integreren van energie initiatieven in hun omgeving

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