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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. C. (Cor) Wagenaar

prof. dr. C. (Cor) Wagenaar

Professor in de geschiedenis en theorie van architectuur en stedenbouw
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IFC2BCM: A Tool for Generating IndoorGML and Building Configuration Model from IFC

Associations between the built environment and physical activity in children, adults and older people: A narrative review of reviews

Making post-war urban neighbourhoods healthier: involving residents’ perspectives in selecting locations for health promoting urban redesign interventions

Virtual reality for improving walkability

Spatial decision support systems for hospital layout design: A review

How the Built Environment Promotes Residents’ Physical Activity: The Importance of a Holistic People-Centered Perspective

The impact of interventions in the built environment on physical activity levels: a systematic umbrella review

Resident co-created urban redesign to improve health in post-war neighbourhoods: An exploration

Hospitals: A Design Manual

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