prof. dr. ir. C. (Charalampos) Tsoumpas

STIR: Software for Tomographic Image Reconstruction: This is the most widely used open access software for PET image reconstruction. Its main publication, Thielemans, Tsoumpas, et al (2012), received the 2017 Rotblat Medal as the most cited research paper published by Physics in Medicine & Biology (IOP & IPEM) from 2012 to 2016. Dr Tsoumpas is a key member of the development planning team. He co-organises annually the corresponding users’ & developers’ meeting during the IEEE Medical Imaging Conference.
CCP-SyneRBI: Dr Tsoumpas was a co-investigator of this collaborative computational EPSRC-funded project which aims at developing a platform for synergistic image reconstruction. In addition, Dr Tsoumpas was co-investigator of the related Flagship Project which aims to develop a framework for efficient synergistic spatiotemporal reconstruction of PET-MRI dynamic data. He co-organises Training Schools and Workshops on this theme. As part of this project he edited a special issue in Synergistic Tomographic Image Reconstruction for the Philosophical Transactions A of the Royal Society: Part 1 and Part 2.
SAFIR: An active collaboration led by ETH Zurich which aims to building an innovative, high rate PET insert for MRI to be used for quantitative dynamic small animal imaging inside the bore of a commercial 7T MRI preclinical Bruker 70/30 scanner at the University Zurich. The project targets an unprecedented temporal resolution (about 5 seconds) and truly simultaneous PET/MRI acquisition.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 04 december 2024 15:22 |