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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons mr. dr. C.T. (Ceciel) Nieuwenhout


Chapter 5. Relevant offshore electricity markets: energy hubs and hybrid solutions

Een juridische blik op het elektriciteitssysteem op zee

Getting Ready for Multi-Vendor and Multi-Terminal HVDC Technology

Harnessing EU legal concepts for the energy transition on islands

Positive Energy Districts en het Nederlandse Energierecht

The challenges of competition and intellectual property law for HVDC grid development

Building & Grid Retrofit Regulatory Framework: POCITYF Deliverable 1.3

Developing Offshore Wind Farms - A Comparison and Analysis of the Legal and Governance Frameworks of the North Sea Coastal States

Efficient Floating Offshore Wind Realization: A Comparative Legal Analysis of France, Norway and the United Kingdom


Energietransitie alleen langzaam te versnellen

Shell blijft de rol van Vieze Man spelen

Burgers breken met Shell: 'genoeg is genoeg'